Where the wind takes you

Wind! Love it or hate it?
A windy day on Plage des Pêcheurs. One of the things I love about the Cap is that when one side is windy the other side will be the complete opposite. So while on one side the wind can almost knock you off of your feet on the other side the leaves in the trees will barely move.
It was exactly like this last weekend. I was photographing a few of the kite and windsurfers who had congregated on Plage des Pêcheurs. Whenever there is a strong wind on the Cap you will find groups of kite and windsurfers rushing to get out on to the water before the wind drops.
They aren’t allowed on the beaches during the summer months as it would be too dangerous. However out of season when there are strong winds, they come out in full force. It’s amazing watching them literally flying above the waves doing summersaults and backflips.
I was told by a few of the kite surfers that it is actually fairly easy to learn. Apparently anyone can do it. I must say I was surprised to find so many mature Kite surfers out that evening. Everyone I spoke with was over 40! I was also told that once you have learnt to Kite surf it is all about practice practice practice. It has to be a passion. It’s not something you can dip in and out of but it is something which, it appears, you can take up at any age.
I have been Kite surfing for 10 years. I do it just for fun, it’s my passion.
For me Kite surfing is a good way to forget everything. You can’t do anything else when you are on the water. If you start to think about something else then you are in trouble. You have to fully concentrate when you are kite surfing, if you don’t it can be very dangerous.
I have been kite surfing for many, many years. Honestly I stopped counting my age when I was 58 but I will tell you my age. I am 73 and I come here whenever there is wind. Yesterday I was along the coast in Hyeres.
I started Kitesurfing about 6 or 7 years ago. Before that I used to windsurf. I started to kite surf because the conditions here are much better than they are for windsurfing. I come here whenever there is wind and I also come to the Cap to swim. It’s a very beautiful place to do both.
I have been doing this for 16 years . Kite surfing is very easy to learn. I began with a one week course to learn the basics but then you have to practice to get really good and to progress. It has to be a passion it’s not like for example football. You can’t just do this occasionally. You need to improve all the time and learn all the time too. I used to windsurf but now I prefer to kite surf. For me , wind surfing is much more physical. With Kite surfing you have more flexibility and you spend more time in the air. I prefer that.
I started to kite surf 15 years ago. Ido it just for pleasure rather than competitively. I like the elements and also the people. We are quite a close community and you see the same people often. I like this social aspect of it.
I have been kite surfing for just 2 years. I am quite new to this. For me it was easy to learn.
I love to come here to the cap. My grandparents live here so I spent a lot of time here when I was young.
The three Wind surfers.
Unfortunately it was so windy by this time that I couldn’t decipher much of my recording with these guys. Note to self for next time….. get a fluffy Mic cover 🙂
Greg- Windsurfer.
Thomas (rhs) and fellow wind surfer.
I have been kite surfing for 10 years. I love it because it’s a sport for everyone as you can see here. It’s also not difficult to learn. I took a 1 week course and that was enough to learn the basics. Then it’s just about getting out there and practicing.
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