Some photos of Valentino and Eric’s Titanic Sand Sculpture.
Masters of Sand, Valentino and Eric, are currently working on the Titanic Plage Salis, Cap d’Antibes.
Their replica of the Titanic has been on the beach here all of this week albeit under construction. It was completed last night and will now remain there until the end of the weekend. It’s made entirely from sand and 50kg of added salt which they sprinkle over it to create a hard crust.
As it wasn’t quite finished when I took these photos I will add some more to this post over the next couple of days.
You can read Valenino and Erics’ story here on my blog.
If you happen to see one of Valentino and Erics’ pieces of work please leave a few centimes as a thank you espeially if you take a photo. Your money will help them achieve their goal of reaching the Canaries where they plan to spend the winter.

The finished Sandtastic Titanic