The Story of Tigger

Meet Tigger – A rescue Dog.
Tigger lives between Monaco, Cap d’Antibes and the UK. He is owned by Helen who is featured in this blog.
“My fat boy as I call him. He was born in Southampton. He was, they think, a travellers dog. There are a lot of travelers around there and they breed the dogs for rabbit catching, Lamping they call it”.
“The dogs are treated really really badly and beaten all the time. When the dogs get injured or the travelers have had enough of them the dogs are shot or strung up by a belt round a tree. They use the dogs just to work. They are just livestock and they are literally used like slaves by the travellers”.
“It’s just disgusting. In fact it’s the same in Spain and even here. Bridget Bardot has just done a big thing on travellers abuse of dogs. Actually I’d love to meet her and show her Tigger and what an amazing and happy dog he has become”.
“So anyway back to Tigger”.
He was found by the council and his leg was just a mess. He was found in some woodland and was nearly dead but luckily two guys from the council, who were clearing the woodland, found him and took him to a vet. Normally a dog in his condition would have been instantly put down but because he was such a nice dog the vet asked the council if they would pay for his operation. Amazingly they said yes. They paid for the amputation and then he went to a place called Southern Nurture Rescue.
After that he was in a foster home for a month but that wasn’t really working out, I am not sure why. That’s when I saw him on the internet. Something inside me just said that he needed us. He really needed US. I think I must have been wanting a baby or something but I really really wanted something that needed me, she laughs. I go through phases when I get really broody but for dogs never kids just dogs. It’s really weird”.
“So the kids and I went to see him”.
“I sent Richard a picture of Tigger as he was away working at the time. It was funny. He was like “ Oh no Helen! Not a 3 legged dog! All my mates are going to make fun of me with a 3 legged dog” I was like “Do I care what your mates think?”.
“Eventually he said “ Helen, you do what you like, this is up to you. It is your decision. If you want to do it you do it.”
“So I went to get him from his foster home. He was so skinny, you really wouldn’t recognize him now. Back then you couldn’t touch him because he was so skinny, his backbone and his ribs were sticking out. I couldn’t wash him as his skin was literally like paper. It was disgusting”.
“After just a couple of days with us he suddenly looked brighter and happier. It was like he knew he had found his home”.
“Everyone knows Tigger here. He obviously stands out being a 3 legged dog and despite his terrible history you couldn’t meet a lovelier and gentler dog”.
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