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Amour de la Terre

Amour de la Terre

Love of the Earth Jacques Curti has lived in the same Cap d’Antibes house since he was three years old. He lives in the family home with his wife Corinne and their two daughters.  He is a freelance gardener working for clients all over the 

Shades of Blue

Shades of Blue

Pastel Sunset, Plage des Ondes. Like many other photographers I love photographing Plage des Ondes. At this time of the year we are treated to endless colourful and spectacular sunsets almost daily. This occassion was no different. However instead of reds and oranges the sky 

Random Snapshots

Random Snapshots

Another lovely January day on the Cap No matter what time of the year it is, it’s always a good idea to take a walk in Cap d’Antibes. #ilovecapdantibes  

Photo Diary

Photo Diary

A walk to Juan Les Pins. Like many locals I love walking around Cap d’Antibes. I often take a walk form my home on the Cap into Juan Les Pins. I have literally walked this route a hundred times but every time the views are 

Chemin de la Mosquée

Chemin de la Mosquée

Another World on the Cap. When I first saw an old  photograph of  the Villa de la Mosquée  I couldn’t quite believe my eyes. Seeing the photograph was like being transported to another world which has long since been forgotten. I decided that I had 

Out of Africa to Cap d’Antibes

Out of Africa to Cap d’Antibes

Jean-Pierre and his wife Maud have been Cap d’Antibes residents for over 30 years and have spent most of that time selling houses between Cap Ferrat and St Tropez. Introduced by a mutual friend I was invited to their home recently by Jean-Pierre who kindly 

Our childhood beach

Our childhood beach

Sometimes I love Social Media. I found Hélène after posting a  blog post on FB recently. The post was all about the history of the Petit Tour on Plage des Ondes. Included in the post was an old photograph from when the tower was still a private 

La Petite Tour Uncovered

La Petite Tour Uncovered

The truth about the Petite Tour on Plage des Ondes. The little tower on Plage des Ondes is probably THE most photographed spot in Cap d’Antibes. Contrary to popular belief this tower has only been in existence since the beginning of the 50’s although it 

Lithuania to Cap d’Antibes

Lithuania to Cap d’Antibes

Paradise Found For Erika, originally from Nida in Lithania, Cap d’Antibes is her paradise found. I met her on the roof terrace of her appartment a few weeks ago. In what I guess is typical Lithuanian hospitality I was offered some traditional Lithunian cheese served 

Drinking Tea with Papa G

Drinking Tea with Papa G

Drinking tea with Papa G is definately a great way to spend a few hours of your day. A quintessentially English gentleman, Papa G, real name Paul, is also a great story teller and he certainly has a few great ones to tell.  I met 

Cap d’Antibes Sunsets

Cap d’Antibes Sunsets

Watching the sun go down. In November and October we are lucky to see some of the most amazing Cap d’Antibes Sunsets. This is definately the best time of year to visit the Cap if you want to witness some of the most amazing sunsets 

Stand Up Elegance

Stand Up Elegance

Paddle boards for Fashionistas. If you love paddle boarding and you love fashion then for some stand up elegance look no further than Ecomoana. The company is the brainchild of French entrepreneur Franck and his partners Rudy Fenet and Gunther Doll. Ecomoana design and manufacture