== 25.08.19 ==
Finally did the Paddle Board and Kayak trip from Baie des Milliardaires to Plage des Ondes with Mr D and RoRo.
We stopped off at our little secret beach along the way.
Managed to get a few photos from the Kayak whilst being tossed around by the waves.
Slightly nerve wracking especially as none of my equipment is insured!
Géant carbon footprint 🙁
== 24.08.19 ==
Pesto has discovered the swing 🙂
== 23.08.19 ==
A couple of photos from our recent trip to the mountains. Whittling was the new skill learned while there.
== 12.08.19 – 19.08.19 ==
Decided to escape the crowds and the heat for a few days by heading to the mountains with my two lovelies and friends with their two boys.
No phones and no internet, pure heaven.
Started with a hike up to Lac d’Allos where we camped under the stars.
My god! the Views!!!
Took me straight back to summer times in the Austrian Alps with my Nan when I was little.
Just the cows were missing but there were plenty of sheep.
After walking around the lake we stopped at the lovely Auberge on the lake to taste their famous home made blueberry pie.
I can confirm that it is well worth the trip. It was delicious and made from blackberries which grow around the lake.
Contraband Blueberries, sshhhhh
Met this Belgian family who were on a Donkey Walking holiday.
Who knew they existed?
Well apparently there is an Eco place in the area who organise them.
Such an awesome idea, you do the walking and the donkey carries your stuff.
Decided we are definately doing this next summer.
== 11.08.19 ==
Todays’ 5.30am wake up call was Pesto trying to get this bird onto our bed.
Luckily for us the poor thing was already dead.
It wasn’t much fun trying to find out what he had brought home in complete darkness.
We currently have no light bulb in the bedroom.
Deceased Tweety currently remains on our bedroom balcony.
I need to decide what to do with him before the flies get him.
Naughty, Naughty, NAUGHTY pussycat!!!
== 10.08.19 ==
Pesto has now had more than six collars in under a year.
I am convinced someone is taking them off.
The last one lasted just one day!
I guess he could be an expert at removing them however they don’t seem to bother him so I am not sure this is the case.
Maybe I am just being paranoid.
maybe I should call the police 🙂
I wish Pesto could speak and tell me where all of his collars are.
== 09.08.19 ==
It’s Pizza Night!
== 08.08.19 ==
Spent the morning with the lovely Christelle who I was interviewing and photographing for the blog.
Her great great grandfather was involved in the building of the Port de l’Olivetts at the end of the 1800’s.
We met at her mums house on Chemin de Olivette where we chatted in the beautiful garden.
RoRo made me take a photo of her with her new friend 🙂
Today I went to see Gerome at the Espace Mer et Littoral to cancel the ILCD picnic, I just don’t have the time to organise it.
Instead it will be held next year when the Espace mer et littoral re-opens.
== 08.08.19 ==
As we were both exhausted from yesterdays water antics we decided to chill today.
Not sure why I was tired- I didn’t really do anything 🙂
Watched suicide squad then went to a friends for Apero.
There we made plans for our off grid camping trip to the mountains next week.
Can’t wait!
== 07.08.19 ==
Took RoRo and Fifi to the water park in Villeneuve sur Mer. I do not think I have laughed so much in a long while.
I was literally crying while watching the girls slipping and sliding around.
I now wish I had filmed them but I was to busy enjoying it for real!
In any case I did take some photos but my old iphone has finally died, hence the black rectangle above 🙁
No Images today.
Afterwards we ate classic Jambon Beurre baguettes followed by a swim in the enormous waves along the Bord du Mer.
It was a windy day so perfect for waves!
Scary but so much fun.
== 06.08.19 ==
Spotted this new Graffitti on the Cap whilst out paddling with Greg last week.
Not exactly the worlds best work of art but took a pic anyway.
== 05.08.19 ==
Escaped the crowds again and headed to the stony beach on the other side of Fort Carre.
It makes a nice change to go to the beach on the scooter with just towels and water.
You also have the benefit of bringing stones home to draw on and you don’t have to deal with SAND in the house 🙂
== 04.08.19 ==
Took the RoRo to Nice today.
Scooted to Villeneuve Loubet and then hopped on a Velo Bleu to Nice.
Stopped along the way for a dip in the Sea.
We don’t get awesome waves on the Cap like they do in Nice.
The beaches were actually surprisingly empty for a Sunday in August.
I thought Nice was going to be packed.
Maybe everyone is on the Cap 🙂 🙂
Treated ourselves to a late lunch in the Flower market before cycling back.
The whole day out including lunch cost us just 45 Euros!
I Love Nice!
I Love Summer!
== 03.08.19 ==
== 02.08.19 ==
== 01.08.19 ==
== 31.07.19 ==
== 30.07.19 ==
== 29.07.19 ==
== 28.07.19 ==
== 27.07.19 ==
== 26.07.19 ==
== 25.07.19 ==
Pineapple, Mango and Banana.
Too hot to eat anything else.
Too hot to work!
== 24.07.19 ==
I was recently commissioned to supply social media content for a friends new restaurant in JLP.
Asides from photographing their delicious fresh juices and smoothies
I have also been photographing (and tasting) their fab burgers and home made chips.
Yes I know it’s too hot to eat burgers but when they are as good as these ones it is hard to resist.
== 23.07.19 ==
Trying to find ways to keep cool during this heat wave!
The sea is so warm at the moment that the pool seemed like a better idea.
== 22.07.19 ==
== 21.07.19 ==
Decided to go to my step dads for a poolside BBQ today.
As I am trying to be ZERO waste opted to go to the Cap butcher rather than the supermarket.
I made a good decision as the lovely Eric (who features on the blog here) gave me the chicken as a gift.
Said Poule was then marinaded and cooked on a wood fired BBQ by the talented Mr D.
It was seriously the best chicken I have eaten in a long time! Smoky and juicy:)
Eric also does lovely looking rotisserie Chickens too if you don’t fancy BBQ’ing. However you have to order them in advance.
There was a steady flow of people collecting theirs while I was there so they must be tasty!
== 20.07.19 ==
So much colour on this side of Cap d’Antibes and so many people!
It’s not even August yet!
== 19.07.19 ==
Took these pics from the car on the way back from Bois Des Lutins.
No I wasn’t driving 🙂 Amazed I actually got some good ones.
Not the best way to take a photo that’s for sure but somehow I nailed it 🙂
== 18.07.19 ==
Day out doing scary climbing in the tree tops with the family.
I did not take part.
The last time I went with RoRo we did level 2 of 5.
I literally froze and had to be rescued by the staff.
Ended up on level 1 with the tiny people ahahaha.
RoRo was not amused!
== 17.07.19 ==
== 16.07.19 ==
== 15.07.19 ==
== 14.07.19 ==
Decided to take N and J to see the lavender fields in Valensole.
I thought it would be a good photo op for some honeymoon photos as they didn’t have a photographer at their recent wedding.
I didn’t realise it would take hours to get there though.
I think it was worth it in the end.
== 13.07.19 ==
Before……and after 🙂
== 12.07.19 ==
== 11.07.19 ==
== 10.07.19 ==
Never heard of this before but it is insane. Possibly the most physically challenging game I have seen.
Players are essentially playing volley ball using anything but their hands. It was impressive to say the least!
A very annoying man who kept drenching the crown with his hose, including many cameras!!!
Free stuff!
== 09.07.19 ==
== 08.07.19 ==
== 07.07.19 ==
== 06.07.19 ==
This is my view every Saturday and Sunday morning in July and August.
== 05.07.19 ==
A bridge made from stones. Very Impressive.
Super engineering by Mr D.
== 04.07.19 ==
Pretty much every day for the next 9 weeks is potentially a beach day.
== 03.07.19 ==
Ella, Ella, Ella
I spy with my middle eye……something beginning with…….
== 02.07.19 ==
Despite wishing I was on the beach I had to make a start on editing some photos from last week.
Still three more shoots to go.
== 01.07.19 ==
== 30.06.19 ==
Just a flying visit on their way to Italy.
== 29.06.19 ==
ILCD SUP meet up
Despite the disappointment of the cancelled picnic we still went ahead with the SUP meet up.
Turned out to be so much fun that I completely forgot to take any group photos. Next time!
Thanks to the guys from Aqua Sun Bike for bringing along some Schiller bikes for people to try out.
Can’t wait for the next ILCD SUP meet up.
Unfortunately I am starting my 2 month weekend summer job this Saturday so will have to schedule later meet ups or evening ones.
Watch the FB page for info.
== 28.06.19 ==
Received a last minute call this evening from the person in charge of the Espace Mer and Littoral.
Apparently I met with the wrong person 6 weeks ago.
There was a bit of a panic that hundreds of people would show up (doubtful) so the manager requested that I cancel the event.
Gutted! but we did arrange to meet on Tuesday to discuss organising an official event instead.
Which is what I had wanted to do in the first place!
== 27.06.19 ==
As RoRo had yet another day off College due to staff absences she got to come with me.
There are certainly worse ways to spend the day than on a motor yacht with a lovely family taking photos 🙂
However I really really need a new camera.
Mine is dying which makes what should be a super fun day a lot less fun 🙁
== 26.06.19 ==
Last day of kickboxing before the summer break 🙁
Gonna miss it!!
== 25.06.19 ==
Apart from the picture below which is of my two lovelies, RoRo and Mr D 🙂
== 24.06.19 ==
It was a busy day in the Baie des Milliardaires this weekend!
I have never seen the stony beach here so busy, even in August.
This photo was taken before the crowds arrived.
What’s happening?
Cap d’Antibes, a victim of it’s own success ?
== 23.06.19 ==
== 22.06.19 ==
Went to beautiful Greoliers to watch RoRo and Brian G jump off a mountain.
Belated birthday gifts!
== 21.06.19 ==
Took an American family who had booked me for a photo shoot to the Baie des Milliardaires.
You know summer is here when the bay fills up with teenagers and the rock jumpers return.
I can’t believe I don’t spend the day here more often as it is literally on my doorstep and in a few weeks time it’s going to be packed.
The family were so lovely and I got some amazing photos of them.
On days like this I really love my job: beautiful weather, beautiful landscape and beautiful people.
Ok so I have to admit it the last few weeks have been a write of regards adding to my diary.
I have been so busy with paid work and the photo editing work is backing up.
I really can’t justify spending time on my diary as sad as that makes me feel. My clients have to come first :(.
So, I have decided to give up trying to catch up.
I will start again tomorrow!
== 03.06.19 ==
Did I decide to start this diary….. as if I don’t have enough to do 🙂
Sometimes we make crazy decisions we regret.
This is one of them, well not really I do love this part of the blog as it allows me to share my thoughts and images not necessarily just about the Cap.
I will endevour to catch up over the next few days as there have been quite a few things going on.
Just been too busy to write about them.
== 02.06.19 ==
Moose with Mama Moose
== 01.06.19 ==
== 31.05.19 ==
I really don’t shoot many weddings however I do work with a Norwegian wedding planner who books me for three or four every year.
I love shooting Norwegian weddings as they are generally very small occasions and only last around three hours.
Todays wedding however was a bit of a challenge due to my worsening Shoulder pain!
Will be visiting the emergency medical centre tomorrow for sure.
== 30.05.19 ==
== 29.05.19 ==
RoRo throwing shapes in Denmark
Finally got around to editing some of the pictures from pour recent trip!
== 28.05.19 ==
Danish chickens in a place called ‘Them’.
== 27.05.19 ==
== 26.05.19 ==
Je Pense a toi!
Today was mothers day in France.
I can’t keep up as every country seems to celebrate it on a different day.
Mr D and I were busy working preparing a villa for the owners arrival. Left the apartment looking like a bomb had hit it.
Came home at the end of the day exhausted and with severe shoulder ache to find…..
Lola had tidied and cleaned the entire apartment. Better than I would have done it. I didn’t even know she had it in here.
Suffice to say it was the best mothers day present EVER!
== 25.05.19 ==
One out take from my recent shoot. It’s been a long week!
== 24.05.19 ==
The many faces of Mick 🙂
== 23.05.19 ==
Spent today on a sailing yacht shooting Polo shirts for a German designer.
Couldn’t resist taking some photos of Jean-Philippe, the Captains mate, who was a natural in front of the camera!
It was a long day for everyone but fun!
Think I may have pulled something as my shoulder is killing me 🙁
== 22.05.19 ==
Tigers on the Cap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
== 21.05.19 ==
photo Greg Williams
It’s been party after A-List party on the Cap while I have been away and last night was no different.
This photo was taken by Greg Williams, a prolific film stills photographer and photographer of the stars.
I was on a foundation course with Greg over 30 years at the London College of Printing.
At that time he seemed a very unlikely celebrity photographer
but my gosh has he come a long way from those days spent in dodgy elephant and castle.
I am in awe of this guy.
Always quiet and keeping himself to himself who knew he would become the successful and in demand photographer he is today.
Greg seems to have been busy on the Cap and at Cannes this week doing what he does best.
A man literally living the dream!
Oh what could have been if I had spent more time focusing (pardon the pun) while I was at college!
== 20.05.19 ==
But it isn’t so sweet as we had to leave Mr D in Copenhagen.
They would not let him fly with an expired passport and
couldn’t believe that he had been allowed to take the incoming journey from Nice.
Totally illegal apparently!
Not the best end to RoRos’ best birthday ever 🙁 .
RoRo and I flew home alone without the boys and feeling sad.
Mr Moose had very kindly decided to stay with Mr D and help sort things out.
== 19.05.19 ==
The Lego House.
Everything we hoped it would be!
== 18.05.19 ==
== 17.05.19 ==
Freetown Christiania
Apparently the last photographer who decided to take his camera to the main dealer street here was
thrown out by the residents after being stripped naked!
Decided to leave the camera at home 🙂
== 16.05.19 ==
Surprised RoRo with a long weekend trip to LEGO LAND! Best Birthday EVER!!!!
== 15.05.19 ==
== 14.05.19 ==
== 13.05.19 ==
== 12.05.19 ==
Celebrated my step-dads 70th birthday. I can’t actually believe he is 70!
Could red wine be his secret? Spent the day in his garden and feasted on a Bday BBQ.
A Happy Sunday on the Cap.
== 11.05.19 ==
On your marks, get set, BAKE
Spent most of the day making a birthday cake for my step dad who turns 70 tomorrow.
He doesn’t look it.
The cake took hours to make and then I decided to add a person out of sugar paste.
That took another couple of hours.
It’s exhausting work this cake making lark!
Didn’t eat dinner until way after 9pm.
Another rock and roll Saturday on the Cap 🙂
== 10.05.19 ==
Coming soon!
I have decided to organise a Cap d’Antibes picnic at the end of June.
All all the members of the group and blog are invited to come and mingle.
I will post the details shortly.
== 09.05.19 ==
== 08.05.19 ==
== 07.05.19 ==
== 06.05.19 ==
== 05.05.19 ==
== 04.05.19 ==
Finally the Villa Eilenroc opened it’s doors to the public today.
As part of the Floralies festival and after an extended closure, the gardens were again were open to visitors.
It will shut again tomorrow but will briefly re open again for three days on the 14th, 15th and 19th of May.
Such a shame that it is always closed these days 🙁
== 03.05.19 ==
A new piece of art near plage des Ondes.
== 02.05.19 ==
It’s the time of year where the famous Cap d’Antibes roses are out in full force.
A pink house framed by pink roses on the only remaining Meilland piece of land.
== 01.05.19 ==
While everyone else is at the beach for the 1er Mai the Pompiers are working.
Still suffering with back pain but had to drag myself out on the 1st of May, especially as it turned out to be such a beautiful day.
The forecast said it was going to be cold and cloudy!
I love this time of year on the Cap.
There are people everywhere, especially on the nations biggest public holiday!
== 30.04.19 ==
Still incapacitated by my stupid back grrrr!
Did manage to edit a few pics from a recent visit to the No Made Expo at the Villa Thuret for a little blog post.
Coming soon.
== 29.04.19 ==
I have had a killer lower back pain since coming back from Italy so nothing much has been going on photo wise.
Spent most of the last ten days on my back 🙁
Did get a photo of this bird on a wire, bust making a nest somewhere.
== 28.04.19 ==
It’s that time of year again when the paid work starts coming in.
== 27.04.19 ==
16, 17, 18, 19.
== 26.04.19 ==
== 25.04.19 ==
The Tarot Garden, Capalbio.
== 24.04.19 ==
Somewhere in Italy. I wonder what he is thinking about?
== 23.04.19 ==
Happy Birthday Mr D.
== 11.04.19 – 22.04.19 ==
Actually I was in Italy!
== 10.04.19 ==
Delivered one of Mr D’s beautiful deluxe backgammon tables to AB Cap Riviera today.
We always dreamed of having it displayed in a Cap d’Antibes showroom and now it is.
Happy days.
== 09.04.19 ==
I am soooooo behind with writing up new blog interviews.
I am going to need a lot of coffee over the next two days.
Need to get at least a couple of them written up before I go to Italy on Thursday.
== 08.04.19 ==
Visited Mr D at work.
Just a regular Cap d’Antibes building site.
Someday very soon this will be someones beautiful new home.
== 07.04.19 ==
Took these two to Le Vieux Cannet.
After visiting it for the first time last week I decided to go back and explore.
Can’t believe I have never been here before. Began with brunch at Bao Comptoir.
Sadly brunch didn’t include the amazing pulled pork they served us last week.
A good excuse to go back.
== 06.04.19 ==
Parfait avec de jolis defaults
== 05.04.19 ==
== 04.04.19 ==
Tangerine House above Le Cannet
Lady in Red
== 02.04.19 ==
Today I had the pleasure of photographing the many amazing ladies who attended the ‘Spring Social’.
The event was organised by the lovely Jules from Can Can Content. A networking event and Instagram workshop.
It was aimed at women entrepreneurs who wanted to learn about how to master the use of Social media platforms, especially Instagram.
The location was restaurant Bao Comptoir in Le Cannet a lovely little restaurant owned by Mathilde.
The food was literally out of this world my favourite being the pulled pork which was amazing.
The one thing or should I say only thing I miss about the UK is the Asian food.
Finally I have found somewhere on the Cote d’Azur which serves authentic, home cooked dishes.
I am booking a table for the family this weekend for sure!
My only complaint, as usual, was that our food was served in single use plastic :(.
== 01.04.19 ==
I met with Lorine this morning.
Lorine runs the Hotel Josse with her husband so I went along to interview her as part of my ‘Where to stay’ section.
Coming soon
She showed me some old photos of the hotel before it was demolished and rebuilt.
Wow! It was amazing! The people who destroyed it should be locked up.
I will share the photos soon when I have written up Lorines Interview.
I am getting a bit swamped with a backlog of interviews and photos which need writing up and editing.
Where does the time go?
Oh and it’s school hols again on Friday for two weeks! EEEK!
== 31.03.19 ==
Summertime is HERE! YAY!
What’s wrong with this picture?
== 30.03.19 ==
I hope people stop leaving their litter on the Cap.
== 29.03.19 ==
Pesto woke us this morning with a gift of a Pigeon in the bedroom.
I managed to rescue said Pigeon but didn’t really know what to do with him as he couldn’t fly.
I think he was a baby Pigeon.
I carefully placed him onto our balcony however a few hours later when I returned from training Mr Pigeon was on the street.
He must have launched himself off of the balcony.
I really hate Pigeons but couldn’t help feeling sorry for him.
A busy Cap d’Antibes road is a dangerous place for a flightless Pigeon.
Suffice to say a few hours later the Pigeon was no more 🙁 having been squished by a car.
Poor Mr Pigeon. Naughty Cat!!!
At least his death came quickly. He would have suffered much more at the hands of the cat!
RIP Pigeon.
== 28.03.19 ==
== 27.03.19 ==
Popped along to Le Rocher to give Jean-Claude his fabulous portrait which I took a couple of weeks ago (see 15.03.18).
After I took his picture I promised I would bring him a print.
Apparently lots of people he knows had seen it on Facebook already.
Actually it was one of the most commented on posts I have shared in a while.
I think Jean-Claude was super happy to be given a print to keep.
I will be interviewing him for a blog post on Saturday.
Can’t wait to hear his stories.
== 26.03.19 ==
One of the many things I love about Cap d’Antibes
is the fact that when one side is super windy the other side is generally the complete opposite.
Such was the case today.
While Plage de la Garoupe was battered by an icy wind and waves
the other side of the Cap was calm, sunny and warm.
Cap d’Antibes always has a good side whatever the weather!
== 25.03.19 ==
== 24.03.19 ==
Roros’ first swim of 2019!
== 23.03.19 ==
== 20.03.19 ==
Mr D finally found a decent tinned cat food.
As we are trying to reduce our waste we have been looking for an alternative to the foil packaged stuff for a while.
These tins are not only recyclable but they look awesome too!
We love good design in our house!
Even better is that the food contains no artificial nastiness just good stuff.
Pesto deserves only the best 🙂
Now to find an alternative to milk in plastic bottles.
== 19.03.19 ==
Had a shoot with the lovely Tom and Paul from Antibes rentals this morning.
They are the brains behind Antibes Insider, a new guide to Antibes which they are self publishing.
Asides from producing the book they also run Antibes Rental, a small selection of gorgeous holiday villas and apartments in Antibes.
I have been working with Tom over the last few weeks writing the Cap d’Antibes section of their guide book.
In it you will also find many of my photographs! Very exciting!
Can’t wait to see the hard copy.
It should be available to buy in the next few weeks.
Watch this space!
== 18.03.19 ==
Back to work. Lots to do 🙂
== 17.03.19 ==
RoRo loves buying stuff.
She does not get this consumerist trait from me!
As a way to save up some money she decided to do some jobs which needed doing.
One of these jobs was cleaning her grand dads windows. She actually did an amazing job for which she earned herself 5 Euros.
Lets see how long this working to earn money thing lasts 🙂 🙂
== 16.03.19 ==
Chemin des Nielles
This was once a Cap d’Antibes retirement home.
It has remained in this state since closing it’s doors several years ago.
A bit of an eyesore for the neighbours but an amazing location for a photographer!
== 15.03.19 ==
So happy to see this little beach restaurant back for the 2019 season.
The owners were busy getting it ready for tomorrow when they re open.
I couldn’t help take a photo of the smiley owner! Realised that I haven’t actually interviewed him yet so he is next on my list.
I love this time of year when all the businesses slowly start springing back to life after the long winter break.
Summer is definately on it’s way, although it didn’t feel like it today temperature wise 🙁
== 14.03.19 ==
== 13.03.19 ==
Finally got to visit a villa somewhere on the Cap and meet the owner who is bringing it back to life.
The building had been abandoned since I moved here over 10 years ago but is now being re developed into a family home.
This is the remains of some of the graffitti left here during it’s abandonment years.
Had a very positive meeting with said owner, a really nice man.
Some interesting future projects could be in the pipeline work wise for Mr D and myself.
Left site in a positive mood, left the owner with a couple of Jars of my homemade Cap d’Antibes Marmalade 🙂
Happy Days!
== 12.03.19 ==
Spot the heart in the above photo.
After my usual Tuesday kickboxing session in Opio rushed around taking a few crew profile photos.
The season is starting to spring to life and work is coming in. It’s been a long winter!
Had a quick wander down to the Baie des Milliardaires before returning home to edit afore mentioned photos.
Replied to emails and sent out quotes for future photo shoots.
Spent the evening discussing RoRo’s education or lack of it at her current college.
I have a lot to think about over the next few days.
It seems the college I enrolled her in is one of the worst in Antibes.
Unfortunately we have learnt this the hard way so now need to work on resolving this and getting her into a new College.
Challenge accepted!
== 11.03.19 ==
Monsier is spoiling us.
== 10.03.19 ==
The last Snowboarding session of the season.
To be honest there was more exposed ground than there was snow.
We called it slush boarding 🙂
See you next year!
== 09.03.19 ==
The world has gone BANANAS.
Who wraps a fruit which has a natural skin in plastic!!
== 08.03.19 ==
I am now totally addicted to making jam having made it for the first time ever just a few weeks ago.
Unfortunately I need a bigger pan and also needed more jars.
Decided to put a post asking for empty jars on the I Love Cap d’Antibes FB page.
Now I have more jars than Oranges.
What to do?
I need to find more oranges.
The vicious circle begins 🙂
== 07.03.19 ==
WOLF 126
Watch out Mr Pigeon! New Graffitti on the Cap.
== 06.03.19 ==
All I wanted was a tin of sweetcorn but all were wrapped in plastic.
Didn’t buy any sweetcorn.
Sweetcorn was not the only plastic wrapped vegetable on offer.
Again WHY???
Shopping is soul destroying.
Looking forward to a mass shop on Saturday with like minded people at Carrefour Antibes.
We will be shopping without plastic by bringing our own deli containers and fruit and veg bags.
Spread the message.
It isn’t that difficult to shop plastic free it just takes effort.
Make an Effort!
== 05.03.19 ==
== 04.03.19 ==
WHEREVER I LAY MY HAT…That’s my home.
This is not my hat, but this is my home 🙂
== 03.03.19 ==
The first BBQ of the year at my step dads villa. Beautifully cooked by the handsome chef Mr D.
I literally cannot wait for summer and many more Sundays like this one!
Bon appetit!
== 02.03.19 ==
Nice to see one of my prints in situ 🙂 One of my favourites!
Had an unexpected visit last night from Lala who crashed on the sofa for the weekend. Always so nice to see him!
Spent most of today driving to and from Castorama as we kept forgetting stuff!
My super talented Mr D installed a new oven and hob in our kitchen.
We have now finally replaced our old work horse of an oven with new integrated appliances.
Our old cooker has done us proud but now it’s time to take it to the cooker graveyard (decheterie).
I LOVE my new kitchen!!!
== 01.03.19 ==
I have walked past this water fountain at the end of my street for over ten years.
Today was the first time I noticed this tap!!!
== 29.02.19 ==
Hommage to the late Karl Lagerfeld who passed away recently 🙁
What will happen to the worlds most famous feline now that Karl is no longer with us?
Don’t worry it seems Choupette is going to be ok….
As the fashion world mourns Chanel icon Karl Lagerfeld,
his beloved cat Choupette is one of a number who could be set to inherit his £150 million fortune, along with his model godson”
== 28.02.19 ==
I had quite a productive morning for a change.
Met Cedric from Antibes Free Walking Tours.
Discussed partnerships and other schemes over a Choopy’s coffee.
I then headed of to the Hotel Josse, which I will be featuring in my upcoming ‘Places to stay’ guide.
Met Lorine who runs the hotel with her husband and we discussed how we could work together.
I will be going back in a week or two to take some portraits and to interview the owners for another blog post.
The afternoon consisted of the usual Mougins Kickboxing run followed by a trip to Carrefour.
Living the dream! 🙂
== 27.02.19 ==
Stripper Statue
I spent most of today collating images for upcoming blog posts.
This was one of them.
I took this photo last year while out walking on the Cap.
The above photo is just a portion of the original shot.
When I took it I hadn’t actually paid much attention to the statue in the shot.
It was only when I got home and zoomed in that I saw this cheeky young lady who seemed to have forgotten to put her top on 🙂
I love coming across unexpected things like this in photos.
I wonder who she is and why she is there?
Research for another day maybe.
== 26.02.19 ==
Came across this vintage photograph of the street where I live.
I love finding old photos of Cap d’Antibes and imagining what life was like here back then.
The water fountain still remains but the statue has long gone unfortunately 🙁
== 25.02.19 ==
Something for my to do list 🙂
== 24.02.19 ==
This is Roros’ first commission aged 10.
The birthday cake is for Flemming who is a bit of a surfer boy!
So proud of my monkey for making this.
== 23.02.19 ==
Sold my first print through my Etsy shop this week.
The print looks pretty awesome I have to say.
This picture of the Hotel du Cap, which I took while out on a friends Pointu, will be winging it’s way to Charleston USA.
== 22.02.19 ==
Jar No. 15 and only half way through the bag of oranges!
== 21.02.19 ==
After years or working at the dining table I now have a new desk.
One of the many advantages of having a furniture maker as your boyfriend!
== 20.02.19 ==
This morning I met up with Pris, a violinist I met at Eilenroc last year.
This is her childhood home.
Went for a short walk while she shared her memories of growing up here.
I will share her story on the blog soon.
== 19.02.19 ==
Last night there was a beautiful Orange full moon.
Unfortunately I didn’t capture it with my camera but Evelyne Briois did, although not while it was red 🙂
== 18.02.19 ==
Our new fruit bowl, hand crafted by my Cherie MrD @ Capdantibescarpentry.com
== 17.02.19 ==
Made in Cap d’Antibes from Cap d’Antibes sour oranges.
I have never made it before but I think it was a success.
Only time will tell. Breakfast time.
I don’t even like marmalade 🙂
== 16.02.19 ==
Today RoRo and I went for a walk on the Sentier du Littoral. For a change she wanted to come for a walk.
Stopped for lunch on the rocks, as did many other people.
Mid sandwich RoRO passed me her tooth which had just fallen out.
Momentous moments!
We continued our walk and RoRo told me about recent goings on at College among other things. I also got lots of hugs.
When re returned home I downloaded the 200 or so photos I had taken while out.
I am literally drowning in photos!
What to do with them all.
Even after ruthless edits I still have so many!
I started this blog so that I had somewhere to publish my personal work but it still isn’t enough.
I have FB and Instagram too but still I have more images than I can share.
What to do!!!
First world Dilemmas!
== 15.02.19 ==
Took these two munchkins for a walk in the woods after an hour of training.
Working out is good for the soul and always makes me feel happy.
Incredibly it was 17 degrees today but it was freeeezing in the woods.
== 14.02.19 ==
Today I was awoken with a beautiful bunch of orange roses and chocolates.
Happy Valentines day!
== 13.02.19 ==
== 12.02.19 ==
Took RoRo and a friend to see Miniscule 2, a French made film.
A friend of a friend was involved in the production of it.
It was very cool to see his name in the credits at the end.
It was all about the adventures of a couple of Lady birds from the Mercantour who found themselves in Guadeloupe.
I can think of worse places to end up.
Enjoyed it very much especially when the insects managed to stop the redevelopment of the beach by the evil developers!
Vive la nature!
== 11.02.19 ==
As the kids have been back at school for 5 weeks of course it must be time for another 2 weeks of holidays.
We are now on day one of the school break.
How parents in France manage to hold down full time jobs is utterly beyond me! Being self employed is equally tough.
I love spending time with my princess but at the same time it is difficult to even begin my to do list
let alone make any headway through it.
I am trying not to get too frustrated but it can be difficult not to get stressed, especially when there are bills to pay.
Keep calm and bake!
== 10.02.19 ==
Spent the day with my two loves watching movies and eating my birthday chocolates.
Happy Sunday.
== 09.02.19 ==
== 08.02.19 ==
Saw a FB post earlier today from a lady giving away Cap d’Antibes oranges.
Decided I would go and pick some.
It turned out that they are no good for eating.
Evelyne, the lady who was giving them away, suggested I make either an Orange version of Limocello or Marmalade.
I have never made either before but am going to give it a go.
I am always up for a new challenge!
Took some photos of Choupette, the cat while I was there.
You you looking at me?
== 07.02.19 ==
Chocolates and my own personalised Pizza Board.
Guess what I will be mostly eating today?
Happy birthday to me!
== 06.02.19 ==
Birds eye view.
== 05.02.19 ==
No light bulb moments for me today.
== 04.02.19 ==
Every time I walk the Cap with my camera I see it in a way I haven’t seen it before.
Not sure why I have never photographed this view before but on Sunday Wow, there it was.
The Cap in all it’s glory with it’s many hidden villas old and new and abandoned.
A blog post with more images of the many private Villas is coming very soon.
Watch this space.
== 03.02.19 ==
Went for a 2 1/2 hr walk through the backstreets of the Cap.
Roro moaned about it intermittently but ended up having fun.
Why is getting kids to do stuff which involves exercise so hard?
Such a beautiful spring day made even better by the Mimosa and Cherry Blossom.
Even noticed a busy bee in the photo above once I downloaded it.
Can you spot him?
== 02.02.19 ==
== 01.02.19 ==
First day of the month.
== 31.01.19 ==
Today the day started sunny but cold.
Then the grey clouds and the rain arrived.
Warmed myself up by sorting through summer photos of the Cap for the upcoming Antibes Insider Guide book.
This one was taken last summer.
Oh how I miss you summer.
== 30.01.19 ==
Casting the perfect light.
== 29.01.19 ==
== 28.01.19 ==
My first family car when I was little was a bright yellow Renault 5.
Whenever we went on holiday we would sing the Beatles Yellow Submarine replacing it with Yellow Renault 5.
This Red Renault 5 is always parked in the same spot on the Cap and until today I thought it never moved.
I have photos of it in the exact same place which I have taken over the years.
Just after taking this photo, however the car did indeed move with a rather large fluffy white dog in the boot.
Wanted to go and have a chat with the driver but I wasn’t quick enough.
Maybe next time.
== 27.01.19 ==
Sun, sea and snow.
Just another regular Cap d’Antibes view.
Never boring and always different.
Just like me 🙂
== 26.01.19 ==
Walked around the Cap looking for statues. This is one of the ones I found.
Spent the evening with friends eating Raclette followed by home made apple pie.
Slept very well indeed.
== 25.01.19 ==
IVC are watching us.
== 24.01.19 ==
Completed another session of fitness training in Opio park with Alex.
I thought todays’ class would be a bit easier but it was hard as hell.
As well as getting fit I am trying to eat more and bulk up a bit.
I always forget to eat when I am working and often nothing passes my lips until 3pm.
I need to get into the habit of having breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Some Cap d’Antibes news!
Yesterday I found out that the Phare de la Garpoupe will be opening to visitors sometime late 2020 or early 2021.
The views from up here are already amazing but Imagine how much better they will be from the top of the lighthouse!
== 23.01.19 ==
Rushed down to the seafront to catch a potentially epic sunset.
Unfortunately the epic sunset didn’t happen.
I might try tomorrows sunrise instead.
== 22.01.19 ==
Somewhere on the cap stands this wishing well. I wonder how many wishes it has granted over the years.
Started the day with Kickboxing training in Opio. My body is not happy but it’s all for a good cause.
Spent the rest of the day working on my guest article for the upcoming Antibes Insider book.
Not sure how many secrets of the Cap I want to reveal but I will be adding a few insider tips in my write up.
Actually took more time than expected so more work to do tomorrow.
== 21.01.19 ==
Not a bad title for an album 🙂
Unfortunately not photographed by me but published on the France Meteo FB page.
A beautiful shot of this mornings moon captured by Laura Fabbri.
== 20.01.19 ==
Poor Pesto came home today without his collar.
He has experienced his first proper cat fight and is now sporting two sore feet and a claw swipe across his left eye.
This photos was taken pre battle.
Poor Pesto learning life as a cat isn’t all just cuddles and cat toys.
To top it off he has been booked in for castration this Friday. It’s going to be a tough week for this little feline.
== 19.01.19 ==
These blue markings are a bad sign. Yet another road dig up awaits.
Spending today feeling comfortingly achy after yesterdays workout.
I actually like this pain, it lets me know that what I did worked.
Roll on Tuesday!
== 18.01.19 ==
How I will be feeling tomorrow.
So happy to be back training with Alex from Azur training!
== 17.01.19 ==
Sometimes I interview people for the blog and after I am done it turns out that I can’t publish it.
Happened to me again this week so here is a portrait that was part of the story. The rest will have to remain a secret 🙁
== 16.01.19 ==
at sundown
== 15.01.19 ==
== 14.01.19 ==
I like Mondays especially sunny ones.
Today I had a meeting with the lovely Tom from Antibes Rental.
Asides from offering a small selection of beautiful hand picked holiday rentals Tom and his partner also publish ‘The Antibes Insider‘.
The Antibes Insider is a great little pocket book with lots of handy local info for visitors.
I am happy to say that I Love Cap d’Antibes will be contributing to the Cap d’Antibes section for the next issue.
I have always wondered why a comprehensive visitors guide of Antibes doesn’t exist. Well it does now 🙂
Watch this space!
The revised book will be available on Amazon and also through the blog soon.
== 13.01.19 ==
Walked to my step dads to take a digital photo for his passport renewal then popped to a Vide Grenier in Villeneuve Loubet.
We were looking for Lego people.
Found what we were looking for including girl Lego people Yay!
Went for another quick walk around the Baie des Milliardaires.
After the walk went home and had soft boiled eggs and soldiers.
Felt like spring today after a seriously freezing week.
== 12.01.19 ==
Planned to do many things today but walked the walk instead 🙂
We made a good choice.
Steps to heaven
For forks sake! Put it in the bin!
== 11.01.19 ==
Home made Pizza as every Friday made by D and served on a bespoke half pizza board also made by D.
== 10.01.19 ==
So today I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Luciano and his wife Katy for the blog.
I think these guys may possibly have THE best job in the world!
With THE best guardian villa I have ever seen, and I have seen a few.
They were such a lovely couple who were lucky enough to have stumbled across their dream job over 20 years ago.
After spending a couple of hours with them I went on the dreaded weekly visit to Carrefour to do some shopping.
Someones got to do it!
Came home and spent some time working on my Etsy shop.
I really need to get to grips with organising my photos.
They are literally everywhere and crying out for some ORDER!
Have put this on my ‘To Do List’
My mum was supposed to come over for dinner but due to a stinking cold decided to keep her germs away and stay home.
Probably a good idea!
Ate sweetcorn fritters and then chilled in front of the TV.
== 09.01.19 ==
My new years resolution was to work on some new interviews and portraits of the many characters on the Cap.
I have neglected this part of the blog for way too long due to paid work commitments and other things.
Tomorrow I am going to meet and photograph Luciano.
Luciano and his wife Katy are the guardians of the Villa Calade above, one of my favourite villas on the Cap.
I am so excited that I am going to get to see this incredible Pink art deco villa close up.
Today I spent most of today uploading images to my new Etsy shop.
The plan for 2019 is to try to make the blog a little bit profitable.
It will ease my guilt for devoting so much time to something which doesn’t generate an income.
We all need to make a living at the end of the day.
I have also decided that it’s time to try to organise an I Love Cap d’Antibes exhibition somewhere on the Cap.
I am currently looking at venues and working on making it happen.
Plans are also a foot to produce a limited edition book but that’s for another day….
So many ideas whirling around my head.
Focus is key!! No pun intended 🙂
== 08.01.19 ==
Today I met up with Sophie, a local artist who created this amazing illustration of a friends villa.
We had arranged to go for a walk around the Cap together so I could have a chat with her for a future blog post.
Lou Rajadou
Spent 2hrs walking and talking 🙂
I didn’t take many photos as we were busy chatting.
Although writing the blog is a labour of love and incredibly time consuming
I love how it facilitates meeting so many interesting and diverse people like Sophi.
I will be telling her story on the blog in a few weeks so watch this space.
== 07.01.19 ==
Today I found out that I live in what was the first office of Antoine Meilland, founder of the famous Meilland Roses.
His great Grandson very kindly sent me this photograph taken in 1950 which shows my appartment.
I can’t believe how many greenhouses there were back then.
I have loved my apartment for many many years but now I love it even more.
== 06.01.19 ==
Left the Cap for a hike with friends in la Colle sur Loup.
I was almost under dressed.
Being slightly spoiled by the Cap d’Antibes micro climate I didn’t consider that there might be ice where we were going.
It made a nice change to walk on crisp leaves and take in the frosty views.
Spotted some wild Mistletoe.
It’s the first time I have seen this parasitic plant in it’s natural habitat.
Unfortunately I wasn’t with anyone I could kiss under it 🙁
Returned home to find RoRo and D still immersed in their world of Lego.
Dined on Pasta and cold beer.
Back to school and work tomorrow. I have a lot to catch up on.
== 05.01.19 ==
Shepherds Delight.
== 04.01.19 ==
D spent the day sorting out and re-constructing all our Lego people. Time very well spent!
Apparently we have 97 finished characters (at the time of writing).
== 03.01.19 ==
The weather forecast said it was going to be grey and cloudy today!
== 02.01.19 ==
Pesto has discovered that it’s loads of fun to jump into the Christmas tree and remove all the baubles.
Decided it was probably time to take the tree down anyway and always happy for someone to help even if that someone is a cat 🙂
== 01.01.19 ==
Every New years day people decide it’s a good idea to take a dip in the sea.
I am not one of those people :). Went along to Plage Salis to take some photos and to get some fresh air.
Although we didn’t go out last night the whole family was feeling tired and lazy.
Went home for delicious brunch of scrambled eggs and bacon. 2019 is starting well already.
== 31.12.18 ==
Spent the last day of the year in Auron with the RoRo and friends.
2018 is done, bring on 2019!
== 30.12.18 ==
Penultimate Sunset of 2018
My goodness was it an amazing one!
Unfortunately I didn’t make it down to the seafront in time 🙁
However I got a different view of one of the most spectacular sunsets in a while from my balcony instead!
== 29.12.18 ==
In 1976 this iconic building closed for refurbishment.
It never re-opened.
Now owned by John Cauldwell, a UK billionaire, there are finally plans to develop this historic building.
Dwarfing it’s surroundings the Art Deco giant has kept people wondering about it’s fate for decades.
Apparently work is finally underway to develop 30 to 40 ultra luxury apartments.
Wondering if we don’t have enough of those already…..
In any case the developers aim to launch the new ‘Provencale’ in 2022-23.
Let’s see if that actually happens.
I think I will have to go and find out more for a more detailed blog post.
== 28.12.18 ==
Christmas Presents
RoRos’ Christmas Present No.1
Pink Hair at Start Hairs
Christmas present No.2
Sugar Paste Atelier at The Cake Factory.
== 27.12.18 ==
Took a walk on the Cap and for once RoRo was all for letting me take pictures of her.
Must have been the new Christmas Adidas Outfit!
Went home to watch a ‘The Witches’.
We haven’t watched hardly any Christmas movies this year which is a good thing.
Went out again and RoRo took a some sunset pictures with her new second hand iphone.
Happy Days!
== 26.12.18 ==
A fellow lover of the Cap called Anne H took a photo from this point a few months ago.
I have been looking for the spot where she took it ever since.
Finally, without even looking for it, there it was.
Spent a happy day which ended with dinner of D’s now infamous Christmas Pie!
== 25.12.18 ==
Christmas Day on the Cap.
The Space Invader is back ready to be stolen for the third time……
Christmas day walk with D and RoRo in new outfit.
Christmas Dinner 2018!
== 24.12.18 ==
Every December the weather is beautiful here.
It took me a couple of years to get used to having Christmas in the sunshine but now I couldn’t imagine it any other way.
Today we walked into Antibes to pick up our pre ordered Turkey and bacon.
We buy it from the same place every year ( Boucherie Fabre ).
Then headed back to the appartment to prepare this evenings Austrian Salad and Charcuterie.
Sunbathers in December, that’s why I love it here.
As is usual every Christmas I forgot to buy a couple of things so D had to go to the Carrefour Market on Blvd Wilson.
They are selling these awesome ‘off grid’ 🙂 Oranges!
Love them so much I had to take a photo! <3
Continued to prepare dinner with the help of some obligatory Christmas Bubbles!
Happy Christmas Eve.
== 23.12.18 ==
Antibes old town
== 22.12.18 ==
Took a walk into Antibes with the RoRo. For a change she came willingly 🙂
Went Ice Skating. They have new boots this year!
In ORANGE ! It’s as if they were made for us!
== 21.12.18 ==
Let the holidays begin!
Looking forward to spending the next few days with my two favourite people in the world!
and Super Mike of course!
== 20.12.18 ==
How can a day not be good when it starts with views like these….
Photographed a small but lovely wedding in Antibes this morning.
Also sold a couple of 80cm x 60cm prints from the website.
A good day!
== 19.12.18 ==
== 18.12.18 ==
== 17.12.18 ==
South Africa out takes
Photos by RoRo
== 16.12.18 ==
The original Profile photo
Today I finally got around to editing some holiday pics from Italy. We were there in August!
I had completely forgotten about these photos.
I have always loved looking at the portraits in cemeteries since I was a child.
I was and still am fascinated by them.
A photo says so much more than words ever can.
== 15.12.18 ==
== 14.12.18 ==
Red Sky at Night…..
Another Christmas Party at the fabulous Cafe Kanter in Antibes.
Fois Gras followed by a Filet de Boeuf followed by the best Mille Feuille in the area. Yum!
Good night!
== 13.12.18 ==
Unlucky for some, lucky for others.
Goodbye lovely salad bowl. Created by my so talented Mr D as a birthday gift for a friend.
Today the bowl left for the South West. You will be missed.
== 12.12.18 ==
As part of the Univalom Zero Dechet programme RoRo and I went to see what happens to the rubbish we put in the Black bins.
In our region on the Cote d’Azur it doesn’t go to landfill.
Instead it gets incinerated and transformed into other things.
I am still amazed at how many people still put all of their waste into black bins including bottles!
The message I took from today was that people really need to use the recycling bins provided and which are EVERYWHERE.
I saw so much rubbish which shouldn’t have been there from bottles to cardboard, paper, curtains and polystyrene. You name it it was there.
I also learned that, contrary to what many people think, our recycling does NOT end up in landfill anyway.
I was happy to learn that I have not been wasting my time 🙂
== 11.12.18 ==
Messy work space
Spent all day in front of this. Alex Azur Training came over to finish his new website which is nearly ready to launch.
That took up a few hours.
Evening consisted of a belated B’day dinner for my mum who arrived armed with a bag of Christmas presents.
It suddenly dawned on us that there are only 13 sleeps left.
Every year it completely creeps up on me. I really need to start getting prepared :).
RoRo always complains that we are the last people to buy a Christmas tree which is true.
I usually leave it to the last minute.
My parents are Austrian so when I was younger we always celebrated Christmas Austrian style.
This means we celebrated on the 24th in the eve.
All the children would have to make them selves scarce during the day and the parents would put up the tree and prepare the evening meal and presents etc.
As soon as it got dark they would ring a little bell which meant that Santa had been.
We would then come downstairs to find ‘Christmas’. I quite like that tradition but now I do it the French way.
== 10.12.18 ==
Number 10
On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me…..
another lovely sunrise and morning so took some pics of it.
It’s going to be another warm and sunny day.
Apparently it will be getting colder this week but at the moment it’s still super warm.
Spent the day setting up my new PC and uploading my LR and PS.
As we are blessed with snail like internet speeds on the Cap this process took most of the day grrrr.
Ilette Corp
I also finally got around to connecting with all the amazing women I met at this years Female Quotient event during Cannes Lions.
It only took me 7 months ahahaha. A slightly tedious process as there were over 300 but it needed to be done.
Realised I had left my keys in the Car which D had taken to work so couldn’t leave the house for the rest of the day.
When I was about 19 I used to wear my keys around my neck on a leather chord.
It was a fashion thing back then but maybe I should consider doing this again…..
== 09.12.18 ==
Number Nine
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me……
After two nights of heavy partying the family spent most of the day on the sofa watching Christmas movies.
First up was the classic Home Alone (which I have never actually seen all the way through)
followed by Despicable Me (not so Christmassy) interspersed with a few episodes of the Simpsons.
Suffice to say it was a very very lazy Sunday.
My favourite kind of Sunday.
== 08.12.18 ==

Another late Night on the Cap
Two parties in two nights and both went on until after 3am. I am not used to this Rock and Roll lifestyle.
== 07.12.18 ==
Big Monkey

It’s the day of the annual Danish Christmas. See you on the other side.
== 06.12.18 ==
Even the Cap has Graffiti.
irus Zeak Giner??
Either we need to free someone called Pleks or someone is giving away free Pleks. I am not quite sure 🙂
== 05.12.18 ==
Goodbye Wednesday
Cap walked in the 20 degree sunshine.
Borrowed my stepdads car for the kick boxing run.
Had some potential bad news but I think it might be a false alarm.
Watched the sunset from the balcony before sitting down to delicious home made burgers.
Burgers made by Moi and cooked to perfection by D.
Good night Wednesday, see you next week.
== 04.12.18 ==
Life in a Bubble
As much as I love Cap d’Antibes I obviously don’t spend all of my time here.
Today D and I had the privilege of visiting Maison Bernard (our dream house) in Théoule-sur-Mer.
Imagined and created by Antti Lovag there are three Bubble houses in the South of France but only Maison Bernard is open to the public for guided visits.
What an awesome opportunity to be able to step inside one for real!
We were both literally blown away by the beauty and uniqueness of this family home.
I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to live here.
I don’t think I would ever want to leave!
Upon arrival we accidentally entered through the garden entrance which is where I took the photo above of what turns out is the Guardians apartment.
I was not aware at the time that we couldn’t take photos so that’s all I have.
The lovely Rachel who was our guide for the visit did however, very kindly, allow me to take one photo of the view.
The rest of the house will just have to remain in my brains’ image bank.
Drove home in the sunshine along the coast feeling totally inspired by what we had just seen.
Another great day in paradise not to mention the fact that it was 17 degrees outside.
Who said winter was here?
== 03.12.18 ==
A letter to the Neighbours
Once upon a time we had a cat called Dizzy.
She was almost as cute as Pesto when we got her but unfortunately she was slowly cat napped by the old lady who lives downstairs.
Dizzy is now the fattest cat on the Cap and rarely makes an appearance chez nous.
RoRo decided that this was NOT happening to Pesto so she wrote this letter to all of our neighbours but mostly it was directed at the afore mentioned old lady.
The letter was prompted by the fact that Pesto has already been spotted by the old lady and that she has already re named him Grisette grrr.
For those of you who don’t speak French I have translated the letter into English;
My name is Lola.
I’m ten years old and the grey cat with the orange collar belongs to me.
Please do not give him a name because he already has one and do not give him food because we have fed him already.
Happy Christmas
From Lola, your neighbour upstairs.
== 02.12.18 ==
Another Sunny Sunday
Started the day with American Pancakes made for us by our current house guest LaLa.
Did the obligatory Cap Walk with LaLa, again the views were amazing!
Saw this beautiful fluffy dog along the way and just managed to get a photo of him before he ran past.
When I downloaded this photo RoRo pointed out that he has two different coloured eyes.
I had a friend at school who had one green eye and one blue, or maybe it was one blue and one brown, in any case they were different.
LaLa pondered on how many people had been proposed to at this very spot.
We decided probably quite a few and then continued our walk home.
I picked up the usual bag of litter along the way.
A couple of kids stopped to ask me what I was doing and then helped me pick up a few bits, which was sweet.
This weeks popular find? The Flip Flop.
After our walk I headed into Antibes to take some photos for a friend who was holding a Self Defense workshop.
Then back home for a Roast Chicken Dinner with the family.
Dinner ingredients supplied by LaLa and cooked to perfection by D (as usual).
Another happy weekend in the South of France 🙂
== 01.12.18 ==
Big Ted
Took a trip to Carrefour with the crazy RoRo.
Bought the ingredients we needed to make a gingerbread house.
Big Ted was not one of our purchases.
Spent the afternoon making said Gingerbread house, still a work in Progress but looking good.
Ate Chilli Con Carne and then partook in some Karaoke chez nous with LaLa.
Happy Days!
== 30.11.18 ==
Pizza Night!
Every Friday night is home made Pizza night in our house. These ones are ready to go into the oven.
We love Fridays.
== 29.11.18 ==
Le Ver vert va vers le verre vert
Finally welcomed our family of worms who will be working hard at munching up our food and paper waste.
I am hoping they will be happy in their new home.
All part of the Antibes Zero Dechet challenge.
== 28.11.18 ==
There’s no business like Snow business.
In true Christmas spirit the snow is back on the mountains.
I love this view so much. It’s a sign that winter is here.
I hate the winter but I can’t complain when it only happens at the end of November.
My new PC finally arrived Yay!
Looking forward to super fast Lightroom and looking at my images on a 27 inch touch screen.
Lucky Me!
== 27.11.18 ==
Mougins School Beach Clean
The lovely Harper, a student at Mougins school, contacted me last week to ask if I would come and take some photos of a beach clean she was arranging as part of her art project so today that’s what I did today.
Harper had managed to mobilise 30 of her fellow students to come to the Cap and help her collect plastic and any other rubbish found on the beach which she will later use as part of her project.
I was very happy to take some photos for her especially as she had chosen the Cap as her location.
It’s so inspiring to see young people getting involved in highlighting our throwaway culture and actually doing something about it so well done guys!!
== 26.11.18 ==
Out with the old. In with the new.
As seems to be the fashion at the moment this local hotel has now closed and will be re developed into luxury apartments.
Yours for just under 8 Million a pop. I ‘ll take two please 🙂
I used to go and play tennis on the tennis courts there, however at 20 euros per person I didn’t play there very often.
Still sad to see it go though.
It was another amazing day, weather wise yesterday but RoRo was sick so she stayed home and had a Pyjama day.
Took Pesto to JLP to see the vet for a booster injection.
He did not like it at all!
Had a message from NY designer Rebecca Minkoff.
She asked if they could use the below picture I took of RoRo wearing one of their sweatshirts on their social media.
Why yes of course! I said.
Made and ate Minestrone soup and then relaxed in front of the TV.
Unfortunately, for the second night running I was woken at 3am! by the naughty cat who decided to eat my hair and chase his tail like a cat posessed.
I think we will be closing our bedroom door from now on.
== 25.11.18 ==
Another day in Paradise
Fluffy White Clouds!
I had a crew CV shoot in Port Vauban this morning and this was my view on the way home.
Decided to do another walk along the Sentier du Littoral, my second in two days.
Instead of Blue skies and fluffy white clouds though, by the time I started the walk dark grey clouds had started rolling in.
Picked up the usual bits of plastic rubbish before heading home for a relaxing Sunday afternoon watching the GP.
Disney Princess Bubbles
Probably one of the best benches in the world.
Rubbish Collection
== 24.11.18 ==
Cap Walking
Big bro is here so today I managed to get the family to do the Cap walk (Sentier du Littoral).
Had planned to visit Photo Menton but the people in the yellow jackets were out blocking the roads again.
At least the blue skies are back!
== 23.11.18 ==
Black and White Friday
Today was indeed a black Friday for me.
Not because of the non existant bargains (I hate Black Friday) but because I managed to lock myself out of the apartment this morning.
Had to go to the immobilier next door in my slippers and in the rain to borrow their phone so I could call D to come and rescue me.
Spent the next 40 minutes in the corridor waiting.
Spotted some numbers etched into the plaster underneath the stairs,
not sure who put them there or why in any case I had never noticed them before.
Black Friday got blacker when the computer I have been waiting for for several days didn’t turn up again!!
Apparently my address doesn’t exist.
Spent over an hour internet messaging the company I bought the PC from without actually getting any closer to knowing when or if it will ever arrive.
Looking on the bright side it is Pizza night. Every Friday night is home made Pizza night in our house so life could be worse.
== 22.11.18 ==
50 Shades of Blue
Met up for coffee with Mariana from TheOceanCorner this afternoon and gave her the bits of ‘Dolly’ found in the grounds of the old Orphanage on the Cap.
Mariana works as a sustainable fashion designer up cycling, vintage and second hand garments and accessories, with marine debris from around the world.
She is going to use the bits of the Doll from the Cap on a dress she is making.
We discussed doing a photo story and interview when the dress is finished and then agreed to do a beach clean together sometime in the near future.
I picked up my one piece of rubbish today as part of the 1 dechet par jour challenge.
Who am I kidding, I picked up many pieces of rubbish today.
RoRo came and met me at l’Ilette for a croissant and then we headed to Polygone Riviera for a spot of shopping.
I wanted to get some solid Shampoo and Conditioner as part of our Zero Dechet
shenaningans and RoRo needed new trainers as her old ones turned into swimming pools in the rain yesterday.
It’s beginning to feel a lot little like Christmas, even Santa was out and about looking shifty 🙂
== 21.11.18 ==
Missing Cat
I was woken up to be told that Pesto wasn’t in the house!!
I had locked him out on the balcony when we went to bed (we think) as there is no other way he could have got out.
Poor Pesto, I was a little concerned as he doesn’t have a collar yet, I will be buying him one asap.
The next hour was spent outside in the dark and the rain looking for him.
RoRo woke up and started crying convinced he was gone forever.
It was all a bit manic but to cut a long story short the clever kitten appeared on the back terrace an hour later.
Phew! Drama over.
Brushed my teeth then started to make coffee thinking it was the morning. Realised it was 4.45am!!!
Everyone went back to bed including Pesto.
So happy we didn’t lose the cat!
== 20.11.18 ==
The proof is in the lighthouse
This photo caused some debate recently when I posted it to FB.
Some people were convinced that it could not have been taken in Cap d’Antibes.
Eventually myself and a few others convinced the doubters that it was by pointing out the little red light house in the distance.
Interesting fact: 20 metres below this lighthouse there is a miniature sunken city.
It was created in the 60’s for a French movie.
However in the end it was never used due to the impracticality of shooting under water.
Instead they made the movie in a studio but the sunken city remains.
If you are a scuba diver you can go and explore it for yourself.
I was treated to another beautiful morning on the Cap today.
Tomorrow I will try to get up in time to go and take some photos from the beach. These pics were taken from my balcony.
== 19.11.18 ==
Anyone for Tennis?
This is not a Grass court.
Un-used and neglected since I moved here over ten years ago this tennis court is not fulfilling what it was put there to do.
It is part of a group of buildings opposite the Villa Thuret and used to be owned by INRA.
I found out today that it is now in the hands of the Prefect des Alpes Maritimes who will be developing the site…..into what?
Who knows.
I have always loved the design of what I am guessing used to be student accomodation back in the day.
Nice digs if you can get them!
Such a shame to see buildings like this abandoned and falling into severe disrepair.
I really hope they do something constructive with the plot, I am not convinced they will though.
Another little piece of Cap d’Antibes history on the way to being extinguished.
== 18.11.18 ==
Le Grand Saphir
Last night RoRo and I went to watch Le Grand Saphir.
This film is the story several individuals initiatives to collect waste, both at sea and on land with the aim of preserving the environment.
It was a very inspiring evening.
After a few Q and A’s, (actually not so many Q’s) with the director Jeremi Stadler (on left)
and Edmund Platt aka Mr Bin (the one with the beard and founder of 1 dechet par jour)
RoRo and I left to collect a few bits of rubbish on the way back to the car.
It didn’t take long to find some.
Woke this morning to another very windy day!
I was planning to go to Photo Menton but instead we re-arranged the living room which took hours.
I think I am happy with it.
Went to do our recycling and then went for a short walk by the sea. Got blown around, a lot!
Watched people watching the waves.
Picked up rubbish from the beach (Garoupe).
It’s funny how the same brands pop up over and over again.
Today was Yoplait (or similar) day.
Went home.
== 17.11.18 ==
Scary Doll
After posting my diary pictures yesterday I received a message from a lady who makes dresses from rubbish she finds on the beach.
She wanted to know if I could get her the dolls legs I photographed yesterday so she could use them in one of her designs.
Decided to go and reclaim them for her today.
After trying to get RoRo to climb through the gap in the fence (which she refused) I had to do it myself.
Enjoyed doing something a little bit naughty.
Not only did I get the legs but I also found Dollys head hidden in the bushes.
Unfortunately she wasn’t looking her best but at least she will become a part of something new.
Went back home and RoRo made Crunchy Meusli Cupcakes with white chocolate.
Very decadent and also very sickly. Baking is a serious challenge when you have a naughty kitten in the house.
Gave up trying to photograph RoRos’ creations due to said naughty cat.
Tonight RoRo and I are off to the cinema to watch “Le Grand Safir‘ billed as a feel good film documenting individuals initiatives to preserve the environment.
Hopefully it really will be an uplifting film as normally watching anything about how we are destroying our planet makes me incredibly depressed.
== 16.11.18 ==
Hello Dolly,……well, hello, Dolly It’s so nice to have you back where you belong You’re lookin’ swell, Dolly……
A few months ago I took a photo of an abandoned Doll in an abandoned Childrens’ home on the Cap.
These two legs are now all that is left of that original Dolly. Poor Dolly………
== 15.11.18 ==
A Good Hair Day
Yesterday I went to get a long overdue haircut at Salon Cortes. I REALLY dislike having my hair cut and find it very difficult to find a hairdresser who gives me what I want.
I generally leave sad and disappointed.
The last time I went to the hairdressers was probably about 2 years ago for this very reason.
The one thing I do like about hairdressers though is having my hair washed!
I could literally have this done for hours on end every day for the rest of my life.
Charbel was recommended to me by a friend in the summer so I took the plunge and booked an appointment.
At 5pm yesterday I went and had the dreaded haircut but to my surprise I LOVED it!
Best haircut I have had in years!
Decided to go back this morning to take some photos of the man who had made me so happy.
I thought it would be amusing to cover him in kisses as I am sure he gets many of these from his happy clients!
Unfortunately the girls in the salon seemed reluctant to kiss the Boss so we to make do with fake kisses 🙂
After the quick shoot I left Charbel to have his lipstick kisses removed by the Salon manager while I headed off to a rdv at the Bank.
Very exciting, not.
Spent the rest of the day at my computer editing photos, again.
== 14.11.18 ==
Happy Wednesdays
In France, for school kids, every Wednesday is a half day.
This means it’s pretty impossible for parents to get anything done work wise on Wednesdays.
Instead much of the afternoon is spent in the car driving kids to their various activities.
For RoRo this means a trip to Mougins for kickboxing class.
While she was punching the hell out of some other kids I checked out the local Bio Shop for future shopping trips.
We are also currently constructing a Lombricomposter (worm farm thingy) for the terrace.
Couldn’t find any of the things I needed locally so had to resort to t’internet 🙂
Not so easy finding the various components but I have now ordered everything I need, I think!
To be continued…..
== 13.11.18 ==
Mr Chameleon
The sun was back in full force on the Cap today. Temp? 18 degrees, in November!! That’s why I love living here.
The perfect weather for a Chameleon. This one has come all the way from South Africa, I am going to call him Colin 🙂
I was planing to go for a walk today but ended up staying in the house working boo!
== 12.11.18 ==
Awoke to the most amazing view this morning!
So amazing that I felt compelled to rush down to Plage des Ondes to take a few photos.
It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful it is here, even in winter.
Spent the afternoon pondering the quality of the French school system.
Teacher absence seems to be a massive issue.
RoRo has missed an average of 4 hrs of education a week since September due to teachers being away/sick/ on strike etc.
I am now worried that I made a bad choice for her.
Decided to research my options for the next school year.
I wish I had the time or the confidence to go down the home schooling route.
Continued my musings for the rest of the day………….
== 11.11.18 ==
Another airport run
Drove to Nice Airport again, this time to drop off my step mum. Again not a bad view for the drive there.
On the way back we drove past a friends house on the Cap near Salis.
Their daughter had recently mentioned that they had put a book swap cupboard outside their house so we drove by to take a look.
Such a lovely idea!
We took a few books which we didn’t want anymore and Lola found a recipe book which she did want.
It was a successful drive by 🙂
You can find the ‘Book Cupboard’ on Traverse de la Plage.
Feel free to drop off any unwanted books for others to enjoy or just pass by to browse what’s there.
== 10.11.18 ==
Lola is Coming Home
This was our view on the drive to the airport!
Decided to take Pesto to the airport with us to pick her up.
He seemed to enjoy the trip and slept for most of the way home.
So happy to have the RoRo moster home after 3 weeks away. The apartment has been quiet without her.
== 09.11.18 ==
Leaving Dinner at Cafe Kanter
Spent most of yesterday in front of my computer working on a friends website.
My least favourite thing to do but as it was raining outside anyway it seemed like a good time to get on with the job in hand.
After a few hours of working in a darkened room my friend Ralf came over to get some feedback from D,my other half, on some lyrics he had written for a new song.
I am more of an image person than a word person. D is definately a word person.
I have always been in awe of people who can write and especially of people who can write songs.
I wouldn’t know where to start. I wish I could write songs.
Drove with D to Cafe Kanter in Antibes to meet SoSo and Moose.
It was SoSos’ last night here before flying back to Denmark so it seemed a good excuse to eat out.
We will miss him.
Drank red wine for the first time in ages.
Woke up this morning with a bit of a head ache!
Cafe Kanter is my daughter RoRo’s favourite restaurant ever!
This is not at all influenced by the enormous jars of Haribos which come to the table when they bring you the bill 🙂
== 08.11.18 ==
Plastic is Rubbish
I have been getting quite obsessed with encouraging people to ditch single use plastic recently.
Primarily driven by the amount of it I see when I am out and about taking photos on the Cap.
It’s literally everywhere you look.
As much as we try to recycle what we do use the only real answer to this problem is to eliminate it completely.
We need an alternative and I am happy to say that today, for water at least, I stumbled across that alternative.
The Ocean Bottle. Not only is this bottle super stylish it is also BPA free and made from sustainable materials.
Each bottle purchased funds the collection of 1000 plastic bottles worth of ocean-bound plastic. This is equivalent to 12kgs or two cubic meters of plastic.
This is 25 times the level of impact previously seen by a single product, which is possible by supporting plastic collectors via an efficient block chain verified plastic collection system.
My favourite bit though is that each Ocean Bottle is smart chip activated with an NFC chip.
The Start-up company is developing digital features with partners, which will enable your bottle to donate more to plastic collection when refilling at partner locations.
Not only will you be able to fund more plastic collection for free, but loyalty programmes will also mean that you can get discounted beverages at select locations. How cool is that?
The bottle also has multiple openings so you can use it like a drinking bottle or a cup. So clever.
The Ocean bottle will be available to buy in the Spring (2019) but you can pre-order one now via their website.
I ordered mine just now.
Just to be clear I Love Cap d’Antibes is in no way affiliated with this company I just totally love what they are doing.
== 07.11.18 ==
Missing My Rebel Girl
My little monkey has been in South Africa with her grandparents for the last two and a half weeks. I miss her.
This morning she jumped out of a plane! I am very impressed as I would never do that.
Looking forward to having her back on the Cap this weekend.
Bravo Roro Monster!
== 06.11.18 ==
Rain, Rain Rain and more Rain
As much as I love the sunshine I also love it when it rains.
It means I can catch up on blog posts, and photo editing.
I hate being stuck in front of my computer when the sun is shining and mostly the sun shines in the south of France.
New to the rain is our new kitten called Pesto Dave.
We wanted to call him Dave but my daughter insisted that it was a horrible name for a cat. I disagree.
Pesto hasn’t been out in the rain before so today seemed like a good time to introduce him to some wet weather.
He seemed to like it, so much so that he appears to have lost his head!
== 05.11.18 ==
Road Works
Tell me why I don’t like Mondays…
This morning I woke up to workmen creating street access for a new build opposite my apartment.
The access they are creating is where I park my car.
Road works? No it doesn’t.
On the bright side I will now enjoy better views from my bedroom.
Until they complete the teeny weeney 9 metre high luxury Mansion destined to be constructed there that is.
First world problems but still a problem.
== 04.11.18 ==
Nice to Cannes the Hard Way!
Every year thousands of people think it’s a good idea to run from Nice to Cannes.
I am not one of those people.
I prefer to watch and take photos either from my balcony or on the street outside my apartment.
Unfortunately for me, this year the organisers decided it might be nice to erect a blow up arch sponsored by Garmin right under my bedroom balcony.
Therefore, from 6am!!!!! onwards I was mistreated to the gentle humming of the generator keeping it inflated.
Happy Sunday to me!
Some Clown and Cat Woman
and my friend the Moose making it look easy!
== 03.11.18 ==
Cats d’Antibes
A nice place for cats.
I took advantage of the beautiful Saturday morning sunshine by wandering through the backstreets of the Cap with my camera.
The streets were quiet but I was not alone……..
Not everyone is purfect. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Cat Napping
It’s a hard life being a Cap d’Antibes Cat.