Moira and her Mini Cooper

“The Mini belonged to my mum, she bought it just before she died in 2000. Two years later I went back to Scotland and I drove the car back to Normandy where I had a house”.
“Last year I had to sell my house in Normandy so I brought it down here so I could drive it around town as it’s a perfect town car. I had considered selling it but as it was my Mums car I was obviously very attached to it for sentimental reasons. I am really glad that I decided to keep it now”.
“The car was built in 1995 so she is 22 years old and it only has 30000 miles on the clock which is really low for her age”.
“My dad was Mr Cooper, my mum was Mrs Cooper and I’m Moira Cooper, hence the Mini”.
“As a family we were obsessed with mini coopers all of our lives because of the shared name. We have always had minis. My mum had a brown mini which wasn’t very nice. We had a black mini and then we had the green mini. It’s the only car I can ever remember us having as child”.
“I always imagined that when I had a child I would call it Mini Cooper”, laughs, “I called my son Oren instead though”.
“I also used to own a grey mini, one of the new style ones. We drove around in that for 3 years but when I had my son I realised it was completely impractical. We couldn’t even get the pram into it so we had to change. I still kept this one though”.
“My life has changed quite dramatically over the last couple of years but my mini has remained a constant. We have been through a lot together which is why I love her”.
“I don’t have a name for her apart from Mini but that’s because she is a Mini”.
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