Making a difference

Meet Harper, a student at Mougins school.
Harper is passionate about preserving our beautiful planet. She contacted me last week to ask if I would come and take some photos of a beach clean she had organised on the Cap. So, yesterday I went along to meet her and her 30 plus fellow students who had given up an afternoon of their time to pick up other peoples’ rubbish. I asked her to tell me a little bit about herself and what inspires her.
I am originally from Boulder Colorado and have always had a deep connection with nature, especially the mountains. Nature brings me peace and inspires me beyond control. It is where I can feel my connection with God most powerfully. I try to communicate this through my various art projects.

My art project this year is called, ‘Our Utopia of Collective Unconsciousness’.
It is basically about the destruction of our planet through climate change and other factors. So far I’ve covered glacier melt and coral bleaching. Last year my main focus was on plastic pollution and I discovered it through watching A Plastic Ocean and other people, environmentalists and activists I follow on Instagram.
I was so moved by these things, that I wanted to help and do whatever I could to contribute to ending theses situations. I started with my art book last year and this year I spoke about environmental awareness in an assembly.

Plastic is taking away the beauty of our seas, oceans, rivers… Our marine life and its food chain.
Humans have come to see plastic as a tool of modern convenience, but we need to recondition ourselves to see what it really is. Plastic is poison, to everything. But, with a positive attitude and a will to do good, we can all effect change(like we did today).
As consumers we need to realise when we’re choosing to harm the environment vs helping it. This starts at the source. Buying. Notice when you go to the grocery store how much unnecessary plastic is used. See if you can buy produce without wasteful material surrounding it. Try to bring your own bags and reusable water bottle…
Anyway, I am super passionate about this subject and cannot wait until my sculpture/next art project is finished, hopefully it inspires people like I have been inspired by the various sources.
This Earth is our only home, we need to care for her!
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