l’Olivette People No.9

Max Pointu owner
Meet Maximillian better known as Max, Pointu owner in the Port l’Abri de l’Olivette. He owns Nemo and is one of the younger Pointu owners here but not the youngest as he is keen to point out.
I asked him how long he had owned his Pointu.
This Pointu is the first boat I have owned. I bought it three years ago. The owner at the time (who I knew) didn’t want it anymore so I had the opportunity to buy it from him. It cost me 2500 euros which was a good price for a boat this size. I fixed it up and restored it and changed the name to Nemo. We called it Nemo like the film because of the colour. It’s Orange.
What attracted you to buying a Pointu here?
Because its traditional and because it’s beautiful. I also love being part of an association like this one. There is a great community here.
Are you the youngest Pointu owner here?
No there are owners who are younger than me. A pointu is often seen as a boat for older people but that isn’t really the case. Younger people also love the pointu life here.
Owning a Pointu gives me a lot of pleasure. It’s a great way to spend time with my family, that’s why I bought it really. It has become a passion now.
Has it changed my life? Well yes, I spend more time on the water and on the Cap. We live in Le Cannet. Owning Nemo allows us to go out and enjoy the sea at the weekends or in the evenings. The Cap is such a lovely place to be.
We try to come out as often as we can but at the moment there is a problem with the motor which I am trying to fix. If I cant fix it I will just have to use Oars like Francois.
Apart from being on my Pointu I love to stand up paddle and I often go out with JD from Paddling in Antibes. I have loved to paddle for 4 or five years now. Sometimes I enter comps but that’s just for fun really. I don’t compete very often as I just don’t have the time.
Describe a typical day on Nemo.
We leave at 9am and go out just a little. We swim, have lunch followed by a little siesta and just enjoy the beautiful views and surroundings.
You can also go out to the islands but I haven’t been that far yet. I Plan to do it this summer with the family though.
That’s If I get my engine up and running.
*I interviewed Max last year but only had the time to post it now. I am assuming that he managed to fix his engine and that the family have now ventured out to the islands 🙂 I will have to ask him next time I see him.
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