l’Olivette People No.8

Lucio, Pointu Owner
I interviewed Lucio, Pointu owner way back at the beginning of the season as the boats were going back into the water. Unfortunately I have been so busy with paid Photography work over the summer that I have only just got around to writing up his interview. Lucio is of Italian descent but has lived in Antibes since he was a young boy. He is typically Italian and by that I mean that he is passionate about his family and children as well as being a bit of a Romeo. Working full time in Nice with disabled children during the week when he isn’t at work you will often find him at the Port de l’Olivette with friends and family. Always smiling and willing to share a glass of something or other with you on his Pointu you really couldn’t wish to meet a nicer man.
How long have you had a Pointu here?
Actually I only bought this Pointu in September 2017 so this will be my first full season as a Pointu owner. I have been waiting a few years for the opportunity to have a boat here in the Port l’Abri de l’Olivette and I had to put my name on a waiting list. Finally, last year, I was offered the chance to buy this boat after its previous owner sadly passed away.
What made you choose to try to get a Pointu here in this particular spot?
I have been coming to this little port since I was eight years old. My father had a Pointu in l’Olivette which is why we were here so often. At that time I thought a Pointu was a boat for old people. I certainly never wanted one myself but now here I am!
Is this the first boat you have owned?
No, but it is my first Pointu. I have owned several boats throughout my life always motor boats. A motor boat needs a lot of maintenance though and they are expensive to run so a few years ago I decided to buy something smaller and which needed less upkeep.
What do you love about the Pointu compared to your previous boat?
In a powerboat you are always racing around from place to place but a Pointu is much slower and more relaxed which I like. You can take your time exploring the coastline, and enjoying the views. It’s a much more calming and tranquil experience of being on the water.
My son wishes we still had the powerboat. Romain is like I was at his age, he prefers going fast. The Pointu is a bit slow for him but I am sure he will grow to love it.
I also wanted a boat I could share with friends and family, a boat for all of us to enjoy. My Pointu has more space than my old Motor boat which means I can take more people out with me. In that sense it’s a much more social boat it’s a boat which my friends and family and I can all use together. It’s a great way to enjoy the sea, to have lunch and aperos, and to watch the sunsets. These are the things I am looking forward to doing this summer.
I am currently modernising it a little bit which is why Romain and I are working on it today. I want to change the look of it and make it more elegant and comfortable but that shouldn’t take me too long to achieve I hope.
Where does the name l’Amparo come from?
L’ Amparo is the name for a lamp which they used to hang on the front of fishing boats for night fishing. That’s not why my boat is called l’Amparo though. My Pointu is named after my three children, Amondine, Romain and Paola. I used two letters from each of their names for the name of the boat.
L’ that’s for me, Lucio. AM for Amondine. PA for Paola and RO for Romain.
What about two letters for your wifes name?
Which one? I have three children and have had two wives. There wasn’t the room for all of them. He laughs.
Read Story No.7 here
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