l’Olivette People No.4

Jean-Luc, Pointu Owner.
Meet Jean-Luc, Pointu owner in the Port l’Abri de l’Olivette. I first spotted Jean-Luc last summer on one of my many strolls around the Cap with my camera. He was deep in thought on his Pointu and I couldn’t help notice his rather fabulous moustache and sunhat. He reminded me a little bit of a cowboy but with a boat rather than a horse.
Unfortunately I didn’t stop to chat to him on that occassion but I have been keeping my eye out for him ever since. Finally, last weekend, almost a year later, I saw him again. This time I did talk to him and take probably one of my favourite portraits for the blog to date. In fact it was Jean-luc who gave me the initial idea all those months ago to do a series of portraits and interviews with the forty or so Pointu owners here. When I was editing his original picture last year I found my self wanting to know more about the man in the photo so I was happy to get the chance to do so.
It turned out that I am not the first photographer to ask to take Jean-Lucs portrait.
A few years ago a photographer came to the port with lots of boxes of camera equipment and after introducing himself to Jean-Luc asked if he would mind posing for some photos. After the shoot he gave Jean-Luc his business card and told him to get in touch. They communicated a little via email and it turned out that he was actually quite a big photographer from California. Unfortunately Jean-Luc couldn’t remember his name when we spoke and he also never got a copy of the picture but his portrait is somewhere on Instagram for the world to see. If I find it I will share it with you.
Your Pointu is called T’Boucan, what does that mean?
There the several meanings of the word Boucan but in this instance it relates to a charcoal fire which is kept lit day and night. When you see a Boucan , for example outside a house, it signifies that this is a place people can come and where they are welcome. That’s why I called my boat Boucan because my Pointu is also a place where you are always welcome. The T’ is just an abbreviation of Petit.
How long have you owned a Pointu?
I have had my Pointu for six years, in fact it is the first boat I have ever owned.
What made you decide to buy a Pointu?
It was actually an impulse buy rather than something I planned. I was here on the Cap for work reasons to meet a client and I drove past on the way to my meeting. I decided to stop for a few minutes, which I often did when coming to the Cap. On this occasion I saw a ‘Pointu for sale” sign on the noticeboard here so I took down the number. I remember thinking to myself that if the job worked out I would call the number and find out about buying the boat.
The job did work out so I contacted the seller and to cut a long story short I bought the boat. I didn’t even discuss the price, I just bought it, there and then. It cost me 12,000 euros. Although this is the first boat I have owned personally I have been around boats all of my life but sailing boats not boats like this.
Has owning a Pointu changed your life and if so in what way?
Yes it has definitely changed my life. Through having my boat here I have met so many new people, people like yourself for example who I would not have met otherwise. The port attracts lots of people because it’s so beautiful and they often stop to talk you. It’s a very social place to be and I like that. The port also has a great sense of community and I have made a lot of new friends since owning the Pointu. The l’Abri de l’Olivete is a bit like my second home and I love to spend time here.
Do you go out a lot on your boat?
Yes normally I do but not at the moment as the Pointu isn’t working very well. There are some mechanical problems which I need to repair before I can use it. When it is working I often go out with my friends and family. I have room for four adults and two children. We don’t go far just around the Cap. My favourite place to go is the Baie des Milliadaires, that is very beautiful and also La Garoupe.
Asides from the Pointu do you have any other passions?
Actually I wouldn’t call the Pointu a passion. I like many different things, I like to read, I like to be with my family, I like making things from wood, I have many passions.
Working with wood is something that’s very close to my heart though. I made my first little wooden box when I was about ten or twelve years old. I would often make little things out of wood when I was younger but I never pursued it as a job.
Making things from wood is just something which gives me pleasure, it’s a hobby. Sometimes I will have an idea for a piece of furniture or a box and then I will make it. I make little bits and pieces like that which I then give to friends or family as presents.
Do you ever go fishing on the Pointu?
No No, I don’t go fishing ever! I am a terrible fisherman that’s why. I have tried it in the past but I was completely useless. Now I don’t bother trying, I leave the fishing to other people.
You have a fabulous moustache, how long have you had it for?
Aah whenever people ask me that question I tell them that I was born with it. But, seriously, I have had it since I was about eighteen years old I think.
I don’t know why I grew it I just did. Before I had had a beard, I had long hair and then the beard became a moustache. Basically I am a part of the sixties generation and guys just had more facial hair and more hair generally back then. Unlike other people of my generation I just never got rid of mine. It has changed colour over the years though. Believe it or not I used to be a blonde but my hair hasn’t been blonde for a while now.
Read story No.3 here
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