Lola aged eight.

“My name is Lola, I am eight years old and I live and go to school in Cap d’Antibes”.
“I love living in Cap d’Antibes because in the summer we can walk to the beach whenever we want”.
“I also love my school because everyone is nice there”.
“I don’t love having my photo taken”.
“I like the Parrots here”.
“Earlier this year, I went to India. I saw lots of the green parrots there, the same ones that we have on the Cap”.
“I also rode and painted an elephant while I was there. I wish there were Elephants on the Cap”.
“My least favourite thing to do in Cap d’Antibes is the walk around the Cap. My mum has made me do it hundreds of times. I don’t like walking”!
“My favourite thing to do here is to go to the beach. We bought a paddle board last summer which is awesome! I love to paddleboard and I can’t wait to go back on it this summer”.