l’Olivette People No.1

Ange, Pointu owner.
Meet Ange, Pointu Owner and a regular face of the l’Abri du l’Olivette. From April on wards you will see Ange most days in this pretty little fishing Port or riding around the Cap on his Harley Davidson.
He is kind of part of the furniture and one of the few people who have been here for over 50 years.
How long have you had your Pointu?
I have had this Pointu for four or five years but I have had many others though out my life. I have probably owned around 20 in total over the years”.
The first boat I owned I built by myself when I was 12 years old.
It was very small and nothing much to look at but it floated and was good enough for my friends and me.
I built the boat opposite the family home where, at that time, there was an abandoned piece of land. In those days the Cap was mostly working land so there were always lots of bits of wood lying around which is what I used to build my boat.
I grew up in Cap d’Antibes and spent all of my childhood here. My father used to build boats but he built them just for pleasure not as a job. That’s why we were often down here at l’Abri de l’Olivette. I guess I learned how to make my own boat from watching and helping him.
When I was young there wasn’t a road behind us like today.
Originally there was just the land, a dirt track and a few Houses. It was my father and my uncle who dug up a lot of the earth which was behind us to allow people to bring their boats into the water here.
After that, over the years, the port has grown into the little community it is today. It’s a nice place to spend time. I don’t go far on my Pointu but I like to go around the bay to fish or to have some Rose with friends.
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