Keeping Cap d’Antibes Beautiful

Meet Raphael, Gardener for the Mairie.
Raphael is one of the many people keeping Cap d’Antibes beautiful. All those little things we take for granted don’t just happen by themselves. The plants don’t water themselves. Those bins on the beaches don’t empty themselves, someone does it and one of those people is Raphael.
I bumped ito him one morning while he was watering the plants on the little roundabout in the centre of the Cap.
How long have you been doing this job?
I began working for the Mairie in Antibes 10 years ago as a gardener.
Which areas do you cover?
I work all around Antibes, in the old town, Cap d’Antibes and sometimes a little in Juan Les Pins.
What’s your typical day?
I start work at 6am and I finish at 4pm.
At this time of year we work in a team of three. We start with the watering. Then we go around to all the little playgrounds to make sure the areas are clean and tidy for the day ahead.
Basically my job is to keep the public spaces neat and tidy and clean. This includes looking after and maintaining the plants and flowers to replacing the bin bags.
What about after work?
After work it depends. Either I go to the beach or I do some sport then maybe I have a small glass of something and relax with friends.
What do you love about your job?
Everything. I love everything about it. I am passionate about gardening and I really love my work. This job enables me to be outside all day which is perfect. While I am working I can watch the world go, talk to the people, look at the beautiful views. I just couldn’t imagine myself working in an office.
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