Journées Européennes du Patrimoine

A busy weekend of Events on the Cap.
This weekend was the Journées Européennes du Patrimoine. Throughout the weekend members of visitors and locals have the opportunity to visit historical and cultural sites free of charge or visit places which might not usually be open to the public. It was also World Clean up day on Saturday, therefore there was plenty going on in and around Cap d’Antibes.
As part of the Journées Européennes du Patrimoine the Port l’Abri de l’Olivette was offering short Pointu boat trips around the Cap. Visitors were able to enjoy the unique experience of viewing Cap d’Antibes, it’s luxury villas and beautiful coastline from the sea.
World Clean Up day.
I started the weekend with my family and a couple of friends cleaning up a small area of the woods behind the Phare de La Garoupe. It’s amazing the things people dispose of when there are bins and recycling bins just a few metres away. Along with dozens of bottles, most of which were Jack Daniels, and a sack full of plastic we also found a skipping rope, some scooter keys and Tin Tins Dog! Tin Tins dog has now been adopted by my daughter after going through a very vigorous hot wash first.
The plan was to walk from the Phare through the back streets over to Olivette picking up litter along the way. Unfortunately we didn’t make it very far before we already had three large black bin liners full of rubbish. We hardly touched the surface really but I guess it was better than having done nothing. Everything we did find we then recycled in the Car park opposite the Phare though.
Free Pointu Rides
From there we walked down to Olivette to book our Pointu trip and were soon ushered onto Lucios’ Pointu. Lucio will feature in my series of Olivette People stories soon. He very kindly took us over to the Baie des Milliardaires via the Hotel du Cap. On the way passing the many luxury villas dotted along the coastline. The Cap looks so different from the Sea. Even though I have been around it on a boat many times I still always end up seeing something new.
During the Journées Européennes du Patrimoine you can also visit Villa Eilen Roc. Unfortunately it is very seldom open to the public these days. Then there is also the Villa Thuret, the Cap’s only botanical gardens. I have never quite worked out why so many people visit these amazing gardens during this particular weekend as it is open to the public most days throughout the year.
Anyway I decided to skip both Villas this year as they can get so busy. Sunday is especially popular and you literally can’t move for cars and people. Thankfully I have the rest of the year to visit them when it is quieter 🙂
Here are some of Saturdays out takes…..