Fishing in Style on the Cap

If you are in Cap d’Antibes in July and like to go to the beach early then you will probably come across Jocelyne fishing on Plage des Ondes.
Always in the same white beach dress and sun hat she fishes from the little tower on Plage des Ondes and usually has her granddaughter by her side. Jocelyne lives in Istres which is 40k north of Marseille but comes to the Cote d’Azur every summer.
I come here on holiday every year to visit my brother and his family. My brother lives in Nice so every summer I come and stay with him for the whole of July.
We come to plage des Ondes most mornings from Nice. It takes us about an hour to get here by car and then we stay until around 11 or 11.30. I have been coming here for almost 40 years and every year I fish from the same spot.
It’s just me in the family who fishes. I love to fish. I have been fishing for years and years, since I was young. Mostly I only catch small fish which I then make into soup.
My brother used to fish with a harpoon but I just use my fishing rod.
I love to come to Cap d’Antibes because it is so beautiful and the sea is lovely and clear here.
We also come here because of the sand, none of us like stony beaches and in Nice there are only beaches with big stones. Cap d’Antibes is the nearest place to find a sandy beach and, for us, it’s worth the 1hr drive.
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