Chez Nini

Meet Virginie from Chez Nini on Plage de la Salis.
Chez Nini is the last snack you come to if you are walking from Antibes direction Cap d’Antibes. It’s right next to where the lifeguards have their office. If you want to have an early morning coffee served with a big smile then Chez Nini is the snack to go to. The mornings are a busy time for all the Snacks here. There doesn’t seem to be long to prepare for the coming day ahead especially at this time of year when the beach starts filling up from 8.30am.
Despite this Nini very kindly gave up a few minutes of her time for a chat and to let me take some photos.
I started by asking her why Chez Nini?
My name is Virginie, Nini is my nickname which is why my snack is called Chez Nini. Everyone knows me as Nini.
How long have you had the snack here?
I have had the cabin here on Plage Salis for three years. Before that I had a snack in Valbonne also called Chez Nini.
I imagine there are many people who would love to work where you do. Was it difficult to get this snack on Plage Salis?
Yes it’s not easy to get a snack here. I got it because I knew that the previous owner was selling it so I went straight to him to offer to take it over and he agreed.
What do you love about Cap d’Antibes?
Well it has some of the most beautiful views on the Cote d’Azur. It is just magnificent here. You can see the views all the way to Italy. I have a beautiful view of Old Antibes and Cap d’Antibes. Every morning I think to myself that I really do have a beautiful ‘office’ here.
What’s your favourite time of year?
My favourite month is now, June. My least favourite is when I close in October. When the season is over and Autumn is on it’s way.
I work for six or seven months non stop but then in Winter I don’t need to do anything which is also nice.
Describe your typical day.
I get up at around 6am and go to bed around 10.30pm. I open the snack at 7.30and close around 21.00 or 21.30 in the summer. It’s a long day but I love my job.
What’s the most popular thing on the menu?
The Pan Bagnat.
If you could put your snack on any beach in the world where would that beach be?
That’s easy, Zanzibar because I have just been there and I loved it. It wouldn’t be a good business decision and it wouldn’t be for the money but if I could really pick up the snack and put it anywhere that is where I would put it. I’m not sure they would be familiar with the Pan Bagnat but I could introduce them to it.
Chez Nini opening Times: 7.30 – 21.00 April – October
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