Blooming Fabulous Cap d’Antibes

The annual Floralies d’Antibes
Every year, in May, Antibes hosts a week long flower festival. Called Floralies d’Antibes, part of this festival includes the open weekend at the Villa Eilenroc. Over two days members of the public can visit the beautiful rose gardens which are by now in full bloom.
On the Sunday there is also the bonus of a photography exhibition organised by the Antibes photo club. Entries are from local professional and amateur photographers who are asked to submit three images on the chosen theme.
This year over one hundred people took part, some were as young as six. I Love Cap d’Antibes also had a photo on show, taken at last years open day. I was very honored to see my picture displayed in the Rose Garden along with all the others.
If you couldn’t make it along to see the amazing gardens this year then let me take you on a little photographic tour. Unfortunately you won’t get the fabulous scents but you will get to appreciate how beautiful Cap d’Antibes is at this time of year.
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