Abdullah, gardener for the Meilland Family.

Abdullah. A man with gardens in his heart.
Meet Abdullah, gardener for the famous Meilland Family in Cap d’Antibes. The Meilland family has been in the Rose business since the 1850’s. For over five generations the company has been cultivating roses in France and it remains a family business to this day.
I met Abdullah recently while I was interviewing Devi Meilland for this blog. He has such an amazing face and an enormous smile that I had to photograph him and ask him a few questions about his life here.
How long have you lived in France?
I have been in France for 46 years, since I was 14 years old.
What brought you to France?
My Uncle was living in Biot, he was working as the head of Agriculture for a local company and he asked me to come and work with him. I stayed there for 1 and a half years.
When did you start working here? And how did that come about?
I started working here for 44 and a half years ago. I wanted to leave Biot so I decided to look for another job somewhere else in the area. So I bought myself a Moped and I went out to look for a new job. I just went driving around knocking on doors asking people if they had work.
On Monday I started looking for work, on Tuesday I found this job and on Wednesday I moved into the house and started my new job. I have been here ever since.
What were your first impressions of Cap d’Antibes?
At that time when I first came here it was countryside. There were no Villas. There were just greenhouses and working land. That was it. There were very few villas and they were just small villas. It wasn’t the glamourous international place it is today. Back then everything was empty.
Who do you live here with?
I live here with my wife and youngest daughter. As soon as I started to work here I lived in this house. I worked here for 6 to 7 years as a single man after which I went back to Marocco to get married to my wife.
After the wedding I came back here alone. I had to leave my wife in Marocco. Back then If you were from Marocco and wanted to come to France you needed a work contract.
Mr Meilland made a contract for her which we sent off. The process took a long time but finally after another 2 years she was allowed to come. I went and I brought her back with me. Since then we have been here. All of our children were born here and have grown up here. We have 3 daughters and a son.
Have they also followed you into similar careers?
No not all of them
My son is the head Gardener at the Hotel du Cap.
One of my daughters is a police officer and the other one is pregnant so she isn’t working at the moment.
I have my youngest daughter, who still lives with me here, she is still at school. But after school she helps in the gardens, she seems to have an interest in gardening and nature so maybe she will follow a similar path.
What do you love about your job?
I love everything to do with gardens and plants and flowers. I have the garden in my heart it’s what I love to do.
What’s a typical day for you?
In the morning I have a coffee, then around 9am I have something to eat. 10 or 15 mins after that I start my work. I don’t really have fixed hours.
In the evening I drink tea and relax
Your favourite thing to do here?
I go out, I go for walks, I spend time with my friends and my family.
Do you ever go back to Marocco?
I go back every year for 1 month to see my mother, family and friends.
Would you call Cap d’Antibes your home?
Cap d’Antibes is in my heart. It’s my love. My children were born here and live nearby. Everything I love is here.
My life is here. I have been here for most of my life so for me it’s definately home.
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