50 Shades of Green

A trip to Villa Thuret in Cap d’Antibes.
Villa Thuret, Cap d’Antibes is a beautiful botanical Garden on the Cap. It is open to the public throughout the year and furthermore entrance is free. When my daughter was little I used to come here all the time and I was always surprised at how few people came here. Friends who have lived here for years have never visited this place, mostly because they didn’t know it existed or because they didn’t know that it was open to the public. It seems a shame that more people aren’t enjoying this beautiful and tranquil place on the Cap as it really is a great place to spend some time. I decided it deserved a feature on the blog to highlight what the gardens have to offer. You can also find an interview with Robin and Richard the two full time botanical gardeners at the Villa on the blog.
I was recently invited along to a press event at Villa Thuret. The press conference was organised by the three historic botanical gardens of the Franco-Italian Riviera. The gardens are made up of the Villa Thuret in Antibes, Val Rahmeh in Menton and the Hanbury garden of Ventimiglia, Italy.
The event was to launch the ‘Rencontres de Thuret‘ a series of conferences organised by the Villa Thuret.
I went along to take some photos of the press event and of the gardens.
Villa Thuret, Cap d’Antibes.
Open to the public: Monday to Friday. 8am-6pm (summer) and 8.30am-5.30pm (winter).
Entrance is free.
90, chemin Raymond – 06160 Antibes Juan-les-Pins. T:+33 (0)4 97 21 25 00 E: thuret@sophia.inra.fr
From Antibes take Bus Number 2.
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